Kickoff to Summer Sierra Camping Trip 2013: May 24th - 27th

I'll be up there with some friends, so maybe see you guys on the trail. We will be camping at Loon and doing day trips in/out.
I'm really thinking to go some road trip to all the way up till red wood that holiday,, can I join only first night?
Yeah but I don't. It's in my garage.

And having it on the dash is running it correct? :D

I keep my front license plate in the jeep just in case I ever need it. I also keep a set of light covers for the rigids in case I cross the border. :crazyeyes:
I might be mistaken but I think California passed a law recently that prevented you from having your own set of balls too. :idontknow:

If I was married I would say my wife already took those. But I am not so I have no response.

I need to go finish my lift now.:cheesy:
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