Markw13/Albino Lizard chooses not to associate with this form!

I've been on JKF mostly. I needed some technical info and the link led to a wal write up. I figured if I was going to use WAL for technical info I should contribute a little too.

Hmmm, is this so?? I think the last person that came over here looking had some issues with JKF. And by JKF I mean JUJ. Maybe you should text brankz on quickest way to get screwed in two forums.


Come on A.L. You just don't come back with a clean slate. You brought all the past back with ya. Good try to be a Noob though. :nah:
Thought you didn't want anything to do with wal?

Like I said, I followed a link on jkf to a writeup and realized it derived from wal. Stopped off and offered some advice to someone who had a question about a wal supporting vendor that just did some good work for me, and this is where we stand.
Like I said, I followed a link on jkf to a writeup and realized it derived from wal. Stopped off and offered some advice to someone who had a question about a wal supporting vendor that just did some good work for me, and this is where we stand.

You are full of shit. You came here to start more shit. Get over yourself.
Why is it that idiots from other forums come here to start shit and act like babies. Yet I don't see Wayalifers going elsewhere and acting like bitches. Yet here you are CAPTAIN.
Why is it that idiots from other forums come here to start shit and act like babies. Yet I don't see Wayalifers going elsewhere and acting like bitches. Yet here you are CAPTAIN.

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!
Frank I know you think you know me, but you dont. That isnt actually true that wal's dont stir the pot elsewhere. Tell everyone the truth.
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