Most of the members on this site are shit talkers

I'm kind of with you on this one. He obviously has an issue with a select few on here, but wants to blanket statement everything and beat around the bush.

Yes thier is a few and yes I should've point it out to them. Nothing against you . I don't know you
Yes thier is a few and yes I should've point it out to them. Nothing against you . I don't know you

I don't know you either and the meme was simply for added humor and was in no way directed towards you. Calling "most" people on WAL dick heads and shit talkers doesn't sit well with me. I have met a good group of folks over here on the east coast through WAL(people that I hang out with outside of wheeling) and don't appreciate the comments. So, when you say the things you've said, yea, I take that as a jab at myself and all of those folks. It ultimately puts you in the troll zone, in my mind. That's all I'm going to say about it and let it go from here.
I don't know you either and the meme was simply for added humor and was in no way directed towards you. Calling "most" people on WAL dick heads and shit talkers doesn't sit well with me. I have met a good group of folks over here on the east coast through WAL(people that I hang out with outside of wheeling) and don't appreciate the comments. So, when you say the things you've said, yea, I take that as a jab at myself and all of those folks. It ultimately puts you in the troll zone, in my mind. That's all I'm going to say about it and let it go from here.

I can respect that.
WOW! I missed some craziness today! Is it just me, or am I the only one that feels like Brankz is back when reading Mr. Al's post?
The renegade is gay. That's my opinion but since I'm not on the same page as you guys you can sit and suck on the power tit. Removing threads when you guys say you don't. Pretending I started this thread. Like I say again overlander your a kiss ass.

Lol so because I like the renegade I am a kiss ass?

What thread was deleted? You are a whack job!
Your the one that came on this thread adding your insults. You don't know me. I'm here because they are people I enjoy talking to. I been out on some outings and enjoyed it.

I don't think so Tim. I shouldn't even respond because you know damn well that you're wrong, but I'm going to anyway. You went full dickhead long before I even came into the picture regarding this. You not only defended someone who had a potential reputation as a scammer, but then you started talking shit about Wayalife. Then you kept going. You keep returning with provocative posts. You got yourself into this mess and clearly are loving the attention. You might as well attach a 20 inch dildo to your head and maybe you'll get some chicks out of it. :thumb:
Never talked shit about wayalife. Yes I was wrong for defending that guy. Yes I made a mistake and apologize for it. But No you guys added your insults. Yes I'm new to this site. Was not aware that posts counts are a big thing until Sharkey brought it up to my attention and showed me how to look at it on the site.
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