Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Pics of jeeps on the 12" rock on the top of Cleghorn. I get it if you were the first man to climb Mt. Everest but not this. Just don't do it. Really. Don't. Ever.

Diamond shaped planters in every parking lot. My tire needs to go there. Wtf? On that note 1000 compact parking spots and three regular ones. My jeep is now wider than my truck. Can't park either in them.

Anything that says "My Build". I know that might irk some.

Almost forgot- Internet tough guys. Don't say anything to me online you wouldn't say to my face and I'll do the same. Mostly cause I'm short and it hurts my neck to look up at other people.

Even worse than Internet tough guys, wannabe Internet tough guys. You know, the guys that almost talk shit but don't have the balls to fully commit. These guys begin with a douchey comment but finish like a weak fart by lessening the original comment. If you are going to be a dick at least commit to it.

Oh and people that re-quote their own post. Ironic.
Ooooooooo! I got one. The guys that raise their post count by waving in turn changing them to an expert all knowing guru.
People that call California or So Cal - Cali. The same as people that call San Francisco - Frisco. :grayno:
Just a heads up ... if you use those terms people automatically know you are not from there. :shock::yup:
People that call California or So Cal - Cali. The same as people that call San Francisco - Frisco. :grayno:
Just a heads up ... if you use those terms people automatically know you are not from there. :shock::yup:

What about NorCal? I need to know these things.......
People that call California or So Cal - Cali. The same as people that call San Francisco - Frisco. :grayno:
Just a heads up ... if you use those terms people automatically know you are not from there. :shock::yup:

Exactly!! I so agree! And "Cali" doesn't even describe where you were, because SoCal is way different than NorCal anyway, that's why you have to specify when you say it!!!

05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
Ooooooooo! I got one. The guys that raise their post count by waving in turn changing them to an expert all knowing guru.

The ones that think this makes them an expert? As you see I have a very high post count and claim to only being slightly smarter than when I started. Oh and I started as a noob now I believe I'm slightly over noobish. :D

People that call California or So Cal - Cali. The same as people that call San Francisco - Frisco. :grayno:
Just a heads up ... if you use those terms people automatically know you are not from there. :shock::yup:

Id say San Fran for people in the state but not sure out!!!
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When people push off their shopping car and hits your beautiful jeep, and they get mad cAuse u tell them to carful
People that over use the word "amazing". Oh, those sunglasses are amazing. No their not, they are cheap wannabes. That picture is amazing. No its not, its a picture of your dumb ass.
One that really gets me is when I am in a meeting and people say "we will take this offline"

Or who is going to take the action item.... barffffff

Not sure why but it absolutely bugs the shit out of me. Probably because I hear it 10 times a day.
People that call California or So Cal - Cali. The same as people that call San Francisco - Frisco. :grayno:
Just a heads up ... if you use those terms people automatically know you are not from there. :shock::yup:

I just call it the land of fruits and nuts and be done with it:thumbup:

We are Jeep..Resistance is futile..
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