Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?


First I've heard of it, but it's called gift card draining. Thieves take the cards from the store, get the numbers, re-seal the package and take it back to the store. As soon as the real customer buys the card, it's activated at the register. Then the thieves start using the money. Customer is fucked.
Not that I don't feel bad for those who are affected but I really hate whenever there's any kind of disaster or tragedy, that's all you see anywhere and everywhere, 24/7 and for what seems like weeks on end. It's as if the world just comes to a stop and nothing else matters or even goes on in life.
Not that I don't feel bad for those who are affected but I really hate whenever there's any kind of disaster or tragedy, that's all you see anywhere and everywhere, 24/7 and for what seems like weeks on end. It's as if the world just comes to a stop and nothing else matters or even goes on in life.
For our area.. there was live coverage on every news channel, Tues-Sat.. Sunday it stopped. It was really getting to the point that they were just repeating the same thing over and over again.
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