Random Internet Shit you've come across

Yes, both Biden and Pence also had classified documents found in their homes…but gave them back…immediately after being asked to.Trump not only did not want to give them back, he had them moved and hidden after being served a subpoena to return them…and then asked his attorney to lie about having any other docs in his possession with a declaration to that effect. He also showed and shared classified defense docs to people who had no business seeing them.

All he had to do was give them back…and none of this shit would have even happened…

Weird how CNN gave you a different story.
Trump had the agents in and showed them the docs.
He told them to take them if they wanted them.
They said they weren't going to do that, but to please move them to a more secure room, which he did.
A week or so later ... the raid.

As pointed out previously, Presidents can have classified documents, and they can declassify them as they see fit.
Vice Presidents aren't supposed to have them at all. Same is true for cabinet members who kept them digitally on private email servers.

But you go ahead with, "No one is above the law.".
It's adorable.
The problem with politics is people like you who still have it out for trump and gloss over the fact that others have and are doing way worse. Until that changes this country is fucked.
This is my exact thesis statement/opinion. Trump may have his issues, but so many others have done so much worse intentional damage to The People and this great nation. Those others need to be held accountable. Republicans and Democrats.
I’m sorry but you really have to be a fucking, brain washed dimwit to think this indictment is anything but a political hit job. How can you even sleep at night with that twisted, retarded thought process. Do these liberal fucks have any idea what is happening to this country and how much they’re tearing it to shreds? Democrats don’t care about these files, all they want is more division. They hate themselves and this country. How much more do they think 75 million people are going to take? I don’t even like mean orange guy. But I’ll damn sure vote for him now. How’s everyone else doing today. 👹 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
Trump upset the scam. If any other person would have done what he had done it would have resulted in the same outcome. Shortly after announcing his candidacy there were already talks of impeaching him. Remember Ross Perot? The same would have happened to him as Trump if he had been elected and gone against the Swamp. Pick any person and substitute for Trump and it would have been the same. We have lost control of our Fed government, some individuals cannot understand that. It is going to do what it wants and it does not give a fuck what you think.

Most everyone has heard of this quote: “Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People.”

The above explains why many individuals are easily distracted by the ‘Orange Man Bad’ concept, it’s because they are unable to consider or process the events and/or the concepts related to what is really happening to us so they focus on the trivial. The concept of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely- and that they are actually a victim of this concept is not something they are prepared to face so they take refuge in the low level thought process.

While humorous most of us understand there is more truth to this meme than we are comfortable with admitting.
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