Random Internet Shit you've come across

If any other reasonable republican is nominated for president, Republicans will win in a landslide, regardless of the Democratic nominee..

Not true.

What is a ‘reasonable’ Republican? Romney? Bush? Cheney? The dude that says we won’t take as much of your money and freedom as the democrats will? The Rhino that’s not quite as commie as the democrat? The shit head that says we must be reasonable and surrender our self-determination and wealth for the benefit of the non-citizen? Fuck no. That’s not what my friends died for.

Why do you think Trump single handedly crushed the Bush dynasty, derailed Cruz, stopped Rubio and ended Hillary‘s ambitions? People are tired of the swamp and want an outsider, that’s why they voted for Trump. It was not a fluke he won, it was because he finally gave people a true alternative. When Trump won it shocked the entire political system. The entrenched power in DC freaked out. Trust me, I saw it first hand. The entire Swamp and media turned on Trump because he dared to interrupt their scam and they began to fabricated shit to ruin him. If Perot would have got elected and if he truly would have bucked the system like Trump they would have done the same to him. Trump was smarter than Perot because he ran within the existing party structure, he understood you can’t split the parties and expect to win. Running in a third party is and will ALWAYS BE a fool’s errand. The socialist party understood this concept and gave up being a third party and co-opted the democrat party. If you look at what the democrats stand for now it’s what the socialists wanted 20-40 years ago. Co-opting an existing power structure is infinitely more efficient and effective than standing up a new power structure. That’s insurgency 101.

The people who say we must be ‘reasonable’ in our political expectations are suffering from a form of the Stockholm Syndrome and have been mentally beaten into submission. This is exactly what ’They’ want you to believe.

Every time someone says Republicans need to be ‘reasonable’ I think of this quote:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

--Sam Adams

I truly think Perot would have won, BUT, the media went after the dirt on his daughter and he blinked. He was scared and backed off.

But yes, if he had won he would have been attacked too as an outsider. Not a career politician, not the correct pedigree, not the right schools, not the right masters.
I truly think Perot would have won, BUT, the media went after the dirt on his daughter and he blinked. He was scared and backed off.

But yes, if he had won he would have been attacked too as an outsider. Not a career politician, not the correct pedigree, not the right schools, not the right masters.
In a three party race a vote for Perot was a vote for Clinton. Perot should have sought the Republican nomination, with that he could have won. And then he would have received the same treatment as Trump. I remember that election well.
Not true.

What is a ‘reasonable’ Republican? Romney? Bush? Cheney? The dude that says we won’t take as much of your money and freedom as the democrats will? The Rhino that’s not quite as commie as the democrat? The shit head that says we must be reasonable and surrender our self-determination and wealth for the benefit of the non-citizen? Fuck no. That’s not what my friends died for.

Why do you think Trump single handedly crushed the Bush dynasty, derailed Cruz, stopped Rubio and ended Hillary‘s ambitions? People are tired of the swamp and want an outsider, that’s why they voted for Trump. It was not a fluke he won, it was because he finally gave people a true alternative. When Trump won it shocked the entire political system. The entrenched power in DC freaked out. Trust me, I saw it first hand. The entire Swamp and media turned on Trump because he dared to interrupt their scam and they began to fabricated shit to ruin him. If Perot would have got elected and if he truly would have bucked the system like Trump they would have done the same to him. Trump was smarter than Perot because he ran within the existing party structure, he understood you can’t split the parties and expect to win. Running in a third party is and will ALWAYS BE a fool’s errand. The socialist party understood this concept and gave up being a third party and co-opted the democrat party. If you look at what the democrats stand for now it’s what the socialists wanted 20-40 years ago. Co-opting an existing power structure is infinitely more efficient and effective than standing up a new power structure. That’s insurgency 101.

The people who say we must be ‘reasonable’ in our political expectations are suffering from a form of the Stockholm Syndrome and have been mentally beaten into submission. This is exactly what ’They’ want you to believe.

Every time someone says Republicans need to be ‘reasonable’ I think of this quote:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

--Sam Adams

Holy hell my friend!!! That was so amazingly well said 👍🏻🇺🇸
In a three party race a vote for Perot was a vote for Clinton. Perot should have sought the Republican nomination, with that he could have won. And then he would have received the same treatment as Trump. I remember that election well.
As I recall, a lot of dirt was still dug up on Perot anyway. And, I should note, I still regret not voting for him although, I still don’t think it would have made a difference.
As I recall, a lot of dirt was still dug up on Perot anyway. And, I should note, I still regret not voting for him although, I still don’t think it would have made a difference.
Agreed. Perot was an America first politician- which is a rarity. He had great ideas but was up against what we now call the ‘Swamp’ and they had to stop him.

Everything Perot said about NAFTA came to pass. The “Giant sucking sound” Perot spoke about in reference to NAFTA hurting our economy came to pass. Ask yourself how could ‘smart’ American politicians negotiate such a bad trade treaty called NAFTA? Because they and their donors benefited from it! It was not a mistake but intentional. It was done for you it was done to you.

As a point of reference who was it that reformed NAFTA and made it not suck so much? Trump. Neither Perot or Trump are perfect individuals, however it’s about the ideas they represent not their personalities. We should not be looking for a nice or reasonable person.
We are told Trump is a tyrant. How many tyrants want you to have more freedom and to keep more of your own money? That is the opposite of tyrant. 🤣😂
this reminds me of a time in Yellowstone, had just bought my 1st Nikon digital DX and long lens, my daughter was maybe 6... I was photographing a bear scratching his back on a tree while the other bear was laying on the ground basically spread out - I figured they had just finished their bear love and the male was showing off to the crowd of people.

My daughter started telling me the bear against the tree had a big stick, how is he holding that stick? well, I was too focused on taking the photos and told her there is no stick (I didn't see him holding anything) it wasn't until I started looking at the images that night that I realized the bear still had an erection and that was the stick she was talking about lol
No, I did not start up that conversation again and explain what the stick was.
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