Random Internet Shit you've come across

I guess the truth is more than they could bare
Actually he was fired for multiple reasons...His former producer Abby Grossburg is suing him and Fox for discrimination. Then a couple of his texts were made public by Dominion which they received during discovery in the defamation lawsuit...apparently he wasn't as big a Trump fan as many believed; some of his texts included, in reference to Trump "We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait."..."I hate him passionately...I can't handle much more of this." Similar texts from Hannity, Ingram and others saying they didn't believe the 2020 election was stolen, yet said otherwise on their shows publicly that was also part of discovery by lawyers for Dominion was a major reason Fox settled the lawsuit out of court for $787.5 million so these employees would not have their testimony made public since they were on the witness list and would be questioned under oath in front of a judge. Ask Sharkey how difficult it is to prove a defamation lawsuit against a news network who has the protection of the First Amendment freedom of speech...yet they chose to give the largest settlement award in a defamation case in the history of the planet. Carlson's show on Fox was their most highly rated show on the network...

I find it interesting that Tucker got his first show on a major news network working for CNN...in 2001, he was co-host of "Crossfire"; the show was cancelled in 2005. His next employer was MSNBC, which he hosted his show "Tucker"...it was cancelled in 2008 for low ratings.

CNN just fired Don Lemon...most likely for derogatory remarks toward women both on the air and off...I was never a fan of his. Ditto for Chris Cuomo, who was fired for using his platform in helping to soften the image of his brother during his removal as Governor of NY. CNN was smart in firing the former CEO and chairman and hiring a new one last year...one of his first priorities was trying to steer CNN off the extreme left viewpoint and removed several people from the air...but they still are quite left of center.
So, with the firing of two extreme (polar opposites at that) pseudo journalists, could it be that the country has finally tired of the extreme fringes of each political party?

Both networks claim they were losing money on the respective programs, albeit FOX lost more because of the settlement.

I haven't watched either for quite some time. In your face extremism gets old fast for me. I know both made inflammatory statements to and
about various guests.

Hopefully this is the start of a push back towards the center and things can start to get done again.
So, with the firing of two extreme (polar opposites at that) pseudo journalists, could it be that the country has finally tired of the extreme fringes of each political party?

Both networks claim they were losing money on the respective programs, albeit FOX lost more because of the settlement.

I haven't watched either for quite some time. In your face extremism gets old fast for me. I know both made inflammatory statements to and
about various guests.

Hopefully this is the start of a push back towards the center and things can start to get done again.
Except that the center has been moved way more to the left so moving “back towards center” means we’re still in a country with a corrupt government that’s pushing closer to socialism every day. I’d rather keep fighting for conservative values.
Except that the center has been moved way more to the left so moving “back towards center” means we’re still in a country with a corrupt government that’s pushing closer to socialism every day. I’d rather keep fighting for conservative values.
You do realize that both sides of the aisle are full of corruption?

You do realize that even though the Republicans say they want to do away with big government, every move they make is to continue with big government?

You do realize that NEITHER party reflects what their constituents really want and just continue to line their own pockets with what big business gives them?

A long time ago there was a group of people that started a little movement because they were tired of taxation without representation, the government that group was fighting actually listened to more of their problems than our government listens to ours.

I understand the whole spectrum being skewed left, JFK would be an unelectable Republican now. Reagan would never be considered a Presidential candidate for the Republicans now. But the entire country teetering on one extreme or the other is going to become fatal and soon.
So, with the firing of two extreme (polar opposites at that) pseudo journalists, could it be that the country has finally tired of the extreme fringes of each political party?

Both networks claim they were losing money on the respective programs, albeit FOX lost more because of the settlement.

I haven't watched either for quite some time. In your face extremism gets old fast for me. I know both made inflammatory statements to and
about various guests.

Hopefully this is the start of a push back towards the center and things can start to get done again.
You mean we can start getting nothing done. That’s what needs to happen in politics. Nothing. Stop Digging.They need to Leave us alone.
The idea of a political ‘Left’, ‘Right’, or ‘Center’ is a complete sham and is something invented to distract and confuse you. The truth is at one end of the political spectrum is limited government with maximum self-determination and at the other end is control and servitude.

This video is probably the best explanation of that.

The video is minutes long but something you were not taught in school.
The idea of a political ‘Left’, ‘Right’, or ‘Center’ is a complete sham and is something invented to distract and confuse you. The truth is at one end of the political spectrum is limited government with maximum self-determination and at the other end is control and servitude.

This video is probably the best explanation of that.

The video is minutes long but something you were not taught in school.
Truly excellent video and on point, 100%!
You do realize that both sides of the aisle are full of corruption?

You do realize that even though the Republicans say they want to do away with big government, every move they make is to continue with big government?

You do realize that NEITHER party reflects what their constituents really want and just continue to line their own pockets with what big business gives them?

A long time ago there was a group of people that started a little movement because they were tired of taxation without representation, the government that group was fighting actually listened to more of their problems than our government listens to ours.

I understand the whole spectrum being skewed left, JFK would be an unelectable Republican now. Reagan would never be considered a Presidential candidate for the Republicans now. But the entire country teetering on one extreme or the other is going to become fatal and soon.
Lol, sensitive much? I think I was pretty clear when I said “a corrupt government“… it means all government, regardless of party.
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