Random Internet Shit you've come across

My Android phone was silenced and it didn't make a peep but I did get a notification. I was at a funeral service this morning :oops:. Luckily the service was over.
A lot of the field workers where a client of mine was operating are still coping shock of finding dead bodies of children, the abandoned females that were left wondering around after what looked like they were severely beaten and the car chases that took place across the property of which several ended up in rollovers with multiple deaths.
Also the amount of damage done to fences/gates, farmer's property damages that smugglers drive thru to avoid the police.
But no problem at the border, it's climate change that's causing this.

I bet the Biden administration will try to use this for some Covid thing in a short while.
The actual announcement didn't last long... it's the additional alert in silence that may have affected me.

Took the dog to the dog park and I had to fight off the urge to sniff hair.
Looking to replace my 15-year-old trout net and came across this example on Amazon.

They caught a giant fish head! look closely and you can see their photoshop skills lol

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