Random Internet Shit you've come across

Newsom is running his not so shadow campaign, but I cannot imagine anyone with a brain cannot see the shithole he has turned California into and vote for that... but then again, most of those populous cities love that those living conditions so .....
plan for the worst and prepare to defend yourself

The point of the article is who will Independents vote for...they will make up over 50% of the vote, and will decide who the next president is. When I first voted for a president (Reagan), independents were almost non-existent...you were either a Democrat or a Republican. That is certainly not true today. If any other reasonable republican is nominated for president, Republicans will win in a landslide, regardless of the Democratic nominee..
A slightly different twist on the security of ballots.
A Virginia state rep went to his polling place and refused to give anything other than his name and address. After some back and forth, he was checked off the register and allowed to vote. No ID. Not even a library card. Just verbal assertion that he was who he said he was.
I remember when this was totally normal. It is only relatively recently that they started to request identification.
I remember when this was totally normal. It is only relatively recently that they started to request identification.
Not in all States. I've been voting in Indiana since 1984, always had to show drivers license.

Correction; it started out showing DL to obtain a registered voter card, then they upgraded it to a Government issued ID card (DL) Indiana also has a State issued ID card for non drivers.
I've been behind voters who had no ID, all the polling volunteer did was have them fill out an index card claiming they were who they stated and allowed to vote. I almost got kicked out for letting my outburst of frustration over the situation get the better of me.
That's when I came to the realization that the cops weren't there to stop non-ID voters, they were there to stop people like me who brought attention to this bullshit.
Where I voted in California they asked for your name then flipped an iPad around and said is that your address and I said yes and they said your all set. It’s a joke.
The point of the article is who will Independents vote for...they will make up over 50% of the vote, and will decide who the next president is. When I first voted for a president (Reagan), independents were almost non-existent...you were either a Democrat or a Republican. That is certainly not true today. If any other reasonable republican is nominated for president, Republicans will win in a landslide, regardless of the Democratic nominee..
Independent of non partisan? There’s a big difference and I would highly doubt 50% of people are actually independent.
I remember when this was totally normal. It is only relatively recently that they started to request identification.
Not in all States. I've been voting in Indiana since 1984, always had to show drivers license.

Correction; it started out showing DL to obtain a registered voter card, then they upgraded it to a Government issued ID card (DL) Indiana also has a State issued ID card for non drivers.
Yeah I’m NY my parents always showed ID to vote when I was growing up.
Independent of non partisan? There’s a big difference and I would highly doubt 50% of people are actually independent.

When I was younger, I leaned left. As I've grown older I either lean more to the right, or the balance point has moved so much that I'm now considered right.

Have never registered or affiliated myself to a Party. I am considered a "Unicorn" by my coworkers. I carry a Union card but vote more Rep than Dem. In some local elections I will vote Dem, because I either know the person or their family and our ideals mesh. But if they start the party line BS, I vote against them the next time.

That's the biggest problem anymore, no politician stands on their beliefs, they tout the Party line and both Parties seem to be mostly wrong in present times.
I guess I wasn’t clear. I wasn’t necessarily doubting the fact more doubting the truth to it. Most people think if they register as independent they are free from party but independent is literally a party. No way 50% of the population leans independent in party. Would those 50% have voted for Ross Perot? Not a chance.
I guess I wasn’t clear. I wasn’t necessarily doubting the fact more doubting the truth to it. Most people think if they register as independent they are free from party but independent is literally a party. No way 50% of the population leans independent in party. Would those 50% have voted for Ross Perot? Not a chance.
More people would probably lean towards the Libertarian party if they would read their "Party Values".

Too bad they'll never get a chance to see if their way works better.
I guess I wasn’t clear. I wasn’t necessarily doubting the fact more doubting the truth to it. Most people think if they register as independent they are free from party but independent is literally a party. No way 50% of the population leans independent in party. Would those 50% have voted for Ross Perot? Not a chance.
Independent's don't primarily vote for Independant candidates...and most Independant's don't register as an Independent, they don't register as any party...they vote for candidates in both (Republican & Democrat) parties...

The point is that the hard core Dems & Pubs that are registered as so usually vote the party line, regardless of nominee...while nearly half of the registered voters now are not committed to any one party...
Independent's don't primarily vote for Independant candidates...and most Independant's don't register as an Independent, they don't register as any party...they vote for candidates in both (Republican & Democrat) parties...

The point is that the hard core Dems & Pubs that are registered as so usually vote the party line, regardless of nominee...while nearly half of the registered voters now are not committed to any one party...
Yes but an independent IS a party. Saying it’s not isn’t fact. Just because people who are registered independent don’t vote independent doesn’t mean it’s not a party. I think you’re missing what I’m saying.
Yes but an independent IS a party. Saying it’s not isn’t fact. Just because people who are registered independent don’t vote independent doesn’t mean it’s not a party. I think you’re missing what I’m saying.
Yes, there is an Independent Party...I never said there wasn't...

Most people who identify as "Independent" aren't necessarily registered as "Independent"...
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