Random Internet Shit you've come across

“Today we learned that Joe Biden met with the now-missing Chairman of CEFC, Ye Jianming, as Hunter Biden and his associates received $3 million from a Chinese entity CEFC controlled. Evidence continues to reveal the Bidens sold the ‘Biden Brand’ to enrich the Biden family. Today’s interview confirmed Hunter Biden and his associates’ work with the Chinese government-linked energy company began over a year before Joe Biden left the vice presidency, but the Bidens and their associates held off being paid by the Chinese while Joe Biden was in office. The Chinese company paid Hunter Biden and his associates $3 million shortly after Joe Biden left office as a ‘thank you’ for the work they did while Joe Biden was in office. Members of the Biden family received payments from the Chinese deal even though they did not work on it. This is the type of swampy influence peddling the American people want us to end.

“Additionally, as Joe Biden was leading anti-corruption efforts in Romania, Hunter Biden and Rob Walker began an ill-defined business relationship with Romanian businessman Gabriel Popoviciu. Mr. Walker also confirmed that he and Hunter Biden received payments from Popoviciu
beginning in 2015 that continued throughout the rest of Joe Biden’s vice presidency. In exchange for lucrative payments, Hunter Biden traveled to Romania and engaged with the U.S. Ambassador to Romania to discuss Mr. Popoviciu‘s foreign legal case.

Unfortunately, the graphic suggests that the border patrol is doing its job. Aren't "expulsions" a good thing? Of course repelling at the boarder so that alien feet do not stand here would be better!

Um no. 🤬

The deception is ‘apprehensions and expulsions’. The VAST majority are being processed and moved to the interior of the Nation. Processed means given $$, a phone, and a hearing date years away. This is being done to make it hard or impossible to deport them later.

The Trump championed ’Remain in Mexico’ has been ended. Under that policy they were sent back to Mex or even flown back to whatever country they came from.

Anyone who thinks the overwhelming majority of these ‘apprehended’ illegals are not being allowed to stay in the US needs to put down the crack pipe.

In addition there are huge numbers that are neither ‘apprehended nor expelled’ because nobody sees them coming across because the majority of BP Agents are doing paperwork and acting like concierges instead of protecting the border.

This is not a slam against the BP Agents, I have friends there. Most agents are sick to there stomachs about how they are being used to facilitate illegal immigration. Many are trying to leave. Some have even committed suicide over this. 🤬
The lie told from the early 1990’s was 11 million illegals in the country. 🤣😂

A BP Agent friend told me in 1992 that 3 million illegals a year were trying to cross and they caught 2 million and sent them back.

I am guessing that 22 million is a low ball. I guess we’ll find out when they get amnesty. 🤬🤬🤬


The bigger concern are the people NOT of Central or South America that are coming across.

The ones caught have been profiled "of military age and demeanor" and are from different regions of the world. Middle East, Asia............

Yeah, I’d say they are all a problem.

Don’t get me wrong, I am glad it has finally hit the news about the ME and NA illegals coming in- however that shit has been going on for 20 years of more. Prayer rugs and korans have been found for years.

The ugly truth is those types have been flying right in to JFK and other airports on visas and have been brought in under various ‘humanitarian’ loopholes for years- just ask Ilhan Omar about that.

This whole border situation finally being in the news reminds me of this meme from the movie Die Hard

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