Rescue Tape - What Every Jeeper Should Have in Their Recovery Kit


Staff member

On our way back home from Moab, friend Brian developed a leak on his Atlas transfer case. As we would discover, the leak was coming from a split in the sight tube and, while we did have options available to fix it, Ray came over and asked if we wanted to try out some Rescue Tape. He said he found this stuff over at the vendor show and was impressed enough with a demonstration he saw that both he and Don just had to buy some. Well, I'd be the first to say that I'm a skeptic about most of the magical products you find at shows but, we did give this stuff a try, directly on the oily tube and, I'd have to say that it really did work amazingly well.



The Rescue Tape has no adhesive, is self vulcanizing and it completely sealed the leak. And, as I understand, even if the sight tube were under pressure, this stuff would work up to 950 psi and up to temps of 500° F. Needless to say, after this experience, all our friends stopped into the Bass Pro Shop in Las Vegas and picked up some for their recovery kits before heading on home.


Anyway, I just thought you might appreciate the info :cool:
It is also available in different thicknesses from your local electrical distributor. Under the T&B brand.

Originally designed for direct burial of electrical cable joints/repairs. To 600Volt as I recall. Pretty neat stuff. Damn pricy when it first came out.
Is that self-vulcanizing tape? We have something like that here at work to wrap wire harnesses, one that is just rubber and another that is rubber with fabric inside. I might have to acquire some of it
Wow!! Can definitely see where that could come in handy........ Will be getting some of that to put in supply box....
If you say "self-vulcanizing" in public, you will be made fun of. I found this out recently ;)

Also, a sight glass on a transfer case seems like a bit of an extravagance... is that standard?

EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm a huge fan of Rescue Tape... been carrying it for a while now... every tool box should have a roll...
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I got a roll of this tossed to me at KOH this year from the vendors. Hope I never have to use it, but glad I have it just in case. gotta love compact ingenuitive products like this!:rock:
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