Rock Krawler control arm issue

If you want any spring perch correct with 3.5"+ lift and correct pinion angle one should rotate the perch on the axle and that will get a lot of that bend out. It is not that big of a deal. It is a lot easier to do that than C gussets actually.

Or just call RK and make sure they sent you the correct parts or that you ordered the correct parts.
Here are few pictures of what I was describing earlier.

Here are two pictures of the upper mount I fabricated and installed for my rear track bar to move it out of the way of the rear passenger side coil spring:
Looking from below the track bar to the mount.

Looking even with the track bar.

Here is a picture of the lower track bar mount where it was rubbing on the drivers side rear shock. The new paint is covering the area that I ground down to provide enough clearance to stop the rubbing on the shock.
You can see I had to grind down the 90 degree angle that is originally in the mount.

Re-assembled after the grinding.

Hope this helps,
What coils are you running, I think I saw TF maybe in the first post, but just wanted to ask. I've run RK on my last 3 Jeeps both 2 doors and 4 doors and have charts of the lengths of all the arms they were tuned into if you're interested.

I had the same issue in the rear on TF coils then I went to RK coils with their wedges and they stand straight up now.

Lots of options...
It's not so much the coils but the geometry. Arm lengths and spring perch angle because of pinion angle. I don't care who's springs you have. If those are adversely effected then you are going to have bowed springs.

I wheeled with bowed springs for years no issue. If yours unseat then it is an issue to deal with. Shorten your arms.
It's not so much the coils but the geometry. Arm lengths and spring perch angle because of pinion angle.

Shorten your arms.

And that is the main issue with the RK arms I found on my 2 door. You can't get them short enough to properly set pinion angle. When I set the pinion properly my coils had the rear TB shoved between them.
really? Lol

Yeah. Really. Besides your springs bowed, your track bar is off now. You should move your upper track bar mount, your sway bar is off and should be moved back also. I'd do that after I welded on new spring perches to correct the bowing. All that hassle for moving your axle back isn't worth it.
What if you get a new drive shaft? Does that help to lessen steep pinion angle and could that resolve all the issues?
RK Recommends a different Part# Control Arm if you are installing Upper Cl,s as well...Seems they may be longer... I just installed all 4 Lower control arms . Maybe the shorter arm would be better. Just a thought.
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