Special Forces Jeep Up Close and Personal!


New member
So I read the article about the Special Ops Jeep a couple months back and thought it was most likely another one of those cool things the military is supposed to get but never does. Then I drove past my Jeep dealer and saw this being displayed... Looks pretty bad ass for a military vehicle!


looks cool, but according the the sales guy they cost $160k and only sell to the military. for that much coin you could have two bad ass jeeps lol

looks cool, but according the the sales guy they cost $160k and only sell to the military. for that much coin you could have two bad ass jeeps lol


160k for 2 bad ass jeep? For that type of cash you could have 3 or 4 nice rigs man.
looks cool, but according the the sales guy they cost $160k and only sell to the military. for that much coin you could have two bad ass jeeps lol


I am shocked only being 160k. Used refurbished HEMTT motors go for 100k. I want to know what motor is in that not bad looking at all
I am shocked only being 160k. Used refurbished HEMTT motors go for 100k. I want to know what motor is in that not bad looking at all

i imagine thats where most of the cost is. its a diesel that runs on standard military fuel. not sure what kind of motor specifically though...

That thing is pretty cool. I'm not seeing the price tag... but its awesome just the same. :thumb::yup:

Price tag is easily justifiable when it's for the government.

JKU -$40,000; Government price - $80,000
Mods - $20,000; Government price - $40,000
Selling to the government - $40,000 upgrade fee
Price tag is easily justifiable when it's for the government.

JKU -$40,000; Government price - $80,000
Mods - $20,000; Government price - $40,000
Selling to the government - $40,000 upgrade fee

Sad but true. :(

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Price tag is easily justifiable when it's for the government.

JKU -$40,000; Government price - $80,000
Mods - $20,000; Government price - $40,000
Selling to the government - $40,000 upgrade fee

yeah that sounds about right actually. it looked cool and all but it was nothing outrageous that would warrant that much coin in the real world. Kinda cool that the JK may actually see combat though. The REAL call of duty edition Jeep!

Price tag is easily justifiable when it's for the government.

JKU -$40,000; Government price - $80,000
Mods - $20,000; Government price - $40,000
Selling to the government - $40,000 upgrade fee

I wouldn't say easily justifiable.... more like someone is getting a cut for the contract and we the tax payers are getting fucked... as usual... :doh: :naw:
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