THANK YOU to the Men & Women in BLUE

...if these people think it's bad now, wait till that happens.

You mean like in Seattle's CHFZ? They already have warlords extorting the people and businesses in their control, you know, protection payments. They're also beating the crap out of their own people if they try tagging on the wrong wall. :naw:
THANK YOU to the Men & Women in BLUE

The one’s behind bars are jumping in on the drama going on in the streets to. Because you know criminals have rights to go figure.

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Live PD did too. Oh and the kid show Paw Patrol is being pressured to have the police officer dog removed from the show - this is no lie. :naw:

You would think that people would want cameras documenting everything police officers do and show it to the public as a way to help ensure transparency.

Nope. They don’t want anything on that would show the truth. It’s all about creating a perception of heavy handed racist cops. I could go on and on and on but I’m white so if I speak against it I am racist. If I say nothing then white silence is violence. “Black lives matter” is a racist statement. The people claiming to be fighting against racism are CREATING RACISM. I don’t care what color your skin is. If people don’t want to be treated like a criminal then don’t act like one. Be polite. Be honest. People need to stop blaming cops for reacting when they are the ones escalating the situation. Rewind the video on every officer involved confrontation in the past decade. 99.9% of the time the other party involved acts like an indignant ass and keeps pushing it. Many many times over a very small or no offense at all. Ugh! Ok I’m stopping. Off me soap box. Time for dinner.
THANK YOU to the Men & Women in BLUE

[emoji1986] [emoji601][emoji1303][emoji1303][emoji631]

It’s nice to see support on the crazy ass internet. I agree with all of you! [emoji1319]
I’m sure there is a new GTA in the works and it will end up being a big hit! This whole Police stuff pisses me off. Sure I would like to see less of them when I’m going 20mph over but I’m glad they are there! Lol
This shit is crazy. My wife just told me about the Paw Patrol thing too. My son loves that show. As mentioned there are bad apples in every profession. How many shitty doctors have screwed up and someone died or anything along those lines. I don’t see anyone calling to abolish the healthcare system. Just deal with the people who fuck up and move on. Sure there is racism in the police departments, just like there is racism in the banks, grocery stores, and every other category of life. I’m not racist and hope someday it can end. I sure as shit don’t have the answer. All I can do is treat people with respect and dignity and teach my kids to do the same. It’s pretty maddening that people are acting like getting rid of police is gonna solve all these problem. How about let’s all just be good humans and raise good humans. That would probably be a good start.

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A friend of mines kid just started with Dallas PD, he said the last few days have been intense...

Worst thing about it was yesterday they were told they shall not wear riot gear while working the protests because its intimidating:naw:

I've got a client in Dallas that I had to go to on Friday, it's a fucking shit show there.

They have handed so much power to the fucking activists for fear of the social media and news outlet fallout.

Fuck them, end it now and move on!!
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