The building of knuckles

All things being equal I'd choose Denver. 👍

Me too. I applied for 119 jobs/companies when I graduated with my masters. Most were centered around Denver, Seattle, or California. It turned out that the best offer came from the Midwest in central Illinois, so here I am... We do own a solar turbine company in San Diego though...
Really? That's a tough one. Denver might be at the bottom of my list out of those three. I love Colorado and lived in Durango for a year, but it's just not the same state it used to be.

No it is not the same state and the politicians have lost their minds. This past week most of the Colorado Springs City Counsel was booted out of office because people are tired of the same old BS and not listening to what they want. We'll see how these new people do. I also have something in the wind up in Seattle too. The funny thing is that I was not looking for a job. People started to call me with offers.
Hey Guys Been following the thread...

If you are thinking about going 37s go with 37s and do not bother with 35s.

Sharkey is correct. I am running stock rear DS and a 1310 up front. I have the 1310 because that is what I put in when I had 35s, which only lasted a few months. You do not need to replace the rear DS. But if you do you will need rear upper control arms at a minimum.

If it were me and I was doing it again, I'd go 37s and a front 1350 DS from the get go. :thumb:

I had one quick thought, I'm shortly unloading my D30 front and bumping up to a extra beefed Rubi44 (near enough a PR44), and thought to share for Dohknocker's build...

As, you're going to gusset the front c's, you might consider what the guy I bought my housing from did. Instead of just one set of gussets he went overkill and welded up both inner PSC (I think) and the outers too. It looks really nice, and I'm confident I won't have any smiling from my axle...

Just a thought, to consider... :thumb:
No it is not the same state and the politicians have lost their minds. This past week most of the Colorado Springs City Counsel was booted out of office because people are tired of the same old BS and not listening to what they want. We'll see how these new people do. I also have something in the wind up in Seattle too. The funny thing is that I was not looking for a job. People started to call me with offers.

What do you do? Handle bankruptcy? Haha, the market is going down again, so I'm just curious as to your profession since you are getting offers. My whole company is cutting back.
What do you do? Handle bankruptcy? Haha, the market is going down again, so I'm just curious as to your profession since you are getting offers. My whole company is cutting back.

From what I can tell you work for a publicly traded company whose stock is down a fairly significant % in the last year? I could not imagine them not cutting back. :thinking:

Of course with the decrease in stock price, I see that as a great time to buy. Especially if you get an employee discount. ;)
From what I can tell you work for a publicly traded company whose stock is down a fairly significant % in the last year? I could not imagine them not cutting back. :thinking:

Of course with the decrease in stock price, I see that as a great time to buy. Especially if you get an employee discount. ;)

I'm an engineer at Caterpillar. Our industry is a telltale sign of how the market is doing, far better than the stock market. The stock market lags behind. If you want to play the stock game, watch Cat's press releases for hints.
I'm an engineer at Caterpillar. Our industry is a telltale sign of how the market is doing, far better than the stock market. The stock market lags behind. If you want to play the stock game, watch Cat's press releases for hints.

LOL! I don't play the stock game. I simply buy high and sell low. ;)
Wow, how can you hate Phoenix? The valley is huge, I'm sure there are cities everyone would like there. I like the hustle and bustle of city life, culture, young cities, awesome restaurants, great weather, and lots to do within 2 hours. The only downside I've ever really felt was the summer heat, but believe it or not, by late June you get used to it.
I cant stand Phoenix. Too many people, too hot, and too many

If you can't walk my beat unarmed, maybe you should consider becoming a police officer.
I cant stand Phoenix. Too many people, too hot, and too many

If you can't walk my beat unarmed, maybe you should consider becoming a police officer.

I'd gladly trade you Phoenix for Peoria Illinois. Flagstaff is amazing too, but there just aren't many jobs up there.
So Mike, getting back on topic (LOL) what did you and Knuckles do today?

Found another road to drive on. The trail we were going to was closed until May 1.


Found some sheep. LOL!


Found out it looks (sounds) like I have a bad rear axle bearing. :(
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