WAYALIFE New Year's Kick Off Run 2018 - SIGN UP

Love to join you, please add me to stand-by

I would LOVE to join you! If at all possible please let me know if there are any openings...



2018 is just around the corner and just as we always do, Cindy and I will be heading down to the Mojave Desert to hook up with some of our good friends and to kick of a brand new year of wheeling! If you think you might be interested in joining us, we'd love to have you be a part of the fun. So you know, this will be a super easy scenic run but we will ask you to come as prepared as possible. Also, to help keep the group size manageable and fun for everyone, we will be limiting the amount of Jeeps that can come. Also, while we won't enforce this as a rule, we would prefer that people who sign up for this run to be an active member here on WAYALIFE or at least to some minimal degree. With that said, please let us know if you'd like to be added to the list. :cool:

The Plan
Date: Saturday, January 6, 2018
Meeting Time: 8:30 AM

We will be meeting up at a location in the Mojave Desert of which I will announce as we get closer to the day of the run. This will be an ALL DAY trip and we will require you to be gassed up and ready to roll at 8:30 AM. Please check back for updates.

Minimum Requirements
Although this will be an easy trail, we are going to require that every Jeep has at minimum, tow points front and rear. Rocker guards are HIGHLY recommended but not required.

What You Need to Know
Please be aware that it will most likely be on the cool side all day if not down right cold. Please pack/dress accordingly and in layers just in case it turns out to be nice out. Also, you need to make sure that you bring plenty of water as well as a lunch and snacks for you and everyone in your Jeep. While we "should" be done with this run by sundown, anything can and often does happen out on the trail and you NEED to be prepared for a long night - just in case. You also need to know that there are no bathrooms on this trip. I will be sure to stop periodically in a location where it's more advantageous for the ladies to find cover but, that's the best I can offer. Likewise, there are no trash facilities so you need to be sure to pack out what you pack in. Last but not least, it's not a requirement but, if you have a CB, I think you will find this trip to be a LOT more fun. Last but not least, please DO NOT bring a drone to this event.

If you think you can join us or have any questions about this run, please let us know by posting them up on this thread.

Who's Going List
1. wayoflife & CarsonCindy
2. JeepFan & GemHunter *
3. RanchoRubi & HighlanderJK *
4. JustJoe *
5. Moochie *
6. Strainger & Strainger's Heart *
9. JAGS & Amy *
10. OverlanderJK & grandjk *
11. piginajeep & Jen *
12. SDG & Lauren *
13. mcpuck & Lori *
14. ramin *
15. blazer *
16. BaddestCross *
17. TrailHunter *
19. pop2tu *
20. DMF *
21. Slavens *
22. HighwayTrout *
23. Trail JK & heyitsray *
24. Oreo_penguin536 *
25. Brute *
26. Clearskies *
27. dpetersen1988 *
28. ExpatKen *
29. Speedy_RCW *
30. Vinnielax *
31. farrier *
32. Samuelh3 *
33. Astroman *

Sorry, the run is now full. If anyone on the maybe list can make it after all, I will still allow you to come. As always, there will most likely be people who drop out so if you're just seeing this for the first time and would like to join us, please post up and I'll add you to the waiting list. Also, depending on what route we take, there 's a chance that I may allow a few more on as well.

* Posted photos

Maybe List
1. jesse3638
2. ob_tj

Waiting List
1. orange jeep
2. Chillin' The Most...
3. kpig
4. IBeHeWhoIsJoshua
5. Clifford33
6. Ruvicon

We look forward to kicking off the new year, out on the trail and with all of you! :cool:
With a line up like this how could I not..haha. I'm packing up before we leave for Truckee so all we have to do is get home switch vehicles and head out Saturday morning.

Awesome!! Got snow up here last night and with any luck, more will be coming in next week. :yup:
Awesome!! Got snow up here last night and with any luck, more will be coming in next week. :yup:

That's what I saw on the local news this morning. They showed downtown Truckee and it was as dry as a bone but were all welcoming the incoming storm.
Just wondering...yesterday we were first on the waiting list now we are number seven?

Welcome back to WAYALIFE. It's good to see you've made your second post here since signing up 5 years ago. As I mentioned in my original post, "we would prefer that people who sign up for this run to be an active member here on WAYALIFE or at least to some minimal degree." Back on post #100, I also asked for you to at least, "introduce yourself in the Give us a Wave sub-forum so that we have at least some idea as to who you are." Up until now, you've made ZERO effort to be apart of this forum and if you have no interest in being a friend of ours, I have no interest in having you join us. :cool:
Welcome back to WAYALIFE. It's good to see you've made your second post here since signing up 5 years ago. As I mentioned in my original post, "we would prefer that people who sign up for this run to be an active member here on WAYALIFE or at least to some minimal degree." Back on post #100, I also asked for you to at least, "introduce yourself in the Give us a Wave sub-forum so that we have at least some idea as to who you are." Up until now, you've made ZERO effort to be apart of this forum and if you have no interest in being a friend of ours, I have no interest in having you join us. :cool:

Sorry, we are not 'forum' savvy. It took me quite a while to find this reply let alone know how to navigate sub-forums.
My husband is on the website everyday reading the info you post and watching your trail videos. We were not aware that we needed to post on the forums to be 'active'.
Thank you for the informative website and interesting trail videos.
Sorry, we are not 'forum' savvy. It took me quite a while to find this reply let alone know how to navigate sub-forums.
My husband is on the website everyday reading the info you post and watching your trail videos. We were not aware that we needed to post on the forums to be 'active'.
Thank you for the informative website and interesting trail videos.

No need to apologize, I just hope you can be understanding of the fact that my wife and I are not tour guides and that this run is something we enjoy doing with 'friend'. I'd like to think that you and your husband could be friends of ours someday and getting to know each other sure helps to make that happen. Between now and the day of our run, this forum is really the only place were that can happen.

Window dressing...

Awesome!! Thank you for your willingness to represent :thumb:
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