What a hell of a week..


Caught the Bug
Well the wife and I have had a hell of a week. She was admitted into the hospital on Wednesday the 17th for induction of our son. After being in labor for 28 hours our son Oliver was born on Friday morning. To where he was immediately admitted to the NICU.

After being in the NICU for a few hours be began to have a couple of seizures. Finally got that under control when the drs came in and said he was int-abated, eeg, ct scanned, on fluids and on the cooling bed. This is still Friday, and he is only hours old.

Things have improved quite a lot but he is still on oxygen, and monitors for heart and breathing. Oh what a week it has been... soonest we will be able to take him home is Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

Oh and to top it all off, the wife and I hit a bear going down the intestate two nights ago.... damn bears.

Back to stock, glad I hadn't thrown out the original one yet. Ordered a 1/4 pounder today.


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Congrats on your son! 28 hours of labor! :shock: Dude you owe your wife one helluva night out someday for that one!
Thank you all for your thoughts prayers and well wishes. Yes I do owe her a great night out soon. Probably even get her a nice long massage when this is over with. We are hoping to bring him home Tuesday or Wednesday this coming week.

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Glad to hear your son is doing better and hope for continued good recovery.

Bear? damn, glad you're all ok and it didn't cause the Jeep any more damage than that bent up the bumper.

Time for some extra lights to see further down and along the side of the road?
Glad to hear your son is improving. Sorry to hear about the Jeep but that is nothing in the grand scheme. Your boy comes home soon!
Glad to hear your son is doing better and hope for continued good recovery.

Bear? damn, glad you're all ok and it didn't cause the Jeep any more damage than that bent up the bumper.

Time for some extra lights to see further down and along the side of the road?
Yea we are happy that it's all it caused damage to. There are a few scuffs on the grill from where the winch got rolled back into the grill a little but nothing to ok bad.

No extra lights would have helped unfortunately, see him come up the side dead sprint.

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Glad your son is improving. Congratulations!!
Minimal damage to your jeep. Wow that's quite a week for sure. I hope you and the wife can get a moment to relax soon with your new born. [emoji106]

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He is continuing to improve, and had his pic line removed yesterday. Now just down to air and monitoring equipment. So that's good.

We thank all of you for your thoughts and well wishes.

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I know how you are feeling.... With our first, the wife was in labor 50hrs and he came out not breathing.... A football team of nurses came in, got him breathing and he went straight to the NICU.... visiting was limited for a few days. Those doctors do amazing things... you are in good hands. Hopefully you all are home together soon.
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