Prime8 is always right thread...

Speaking of primates, I've always found it funny how this one looks like it has a penis for a nose. I guess you could say this primate is a dickhead. Hmmm...interesting.

so when you start a sentence you say I who is this I you speak of? can you point to it? can you describe it? does it exist? if it does not, then why do you refer to it everyday? some conjecture...

I have no idea what that is supposed to say.
Awfully judgmental for someone who didn't read the JK Forum thread. Also, if you're truly a pastor, you aren't very christly...

Yes, dear sir, I was a part of that silly thread, a waste of time I recall.

I'm impressed by how well you know me, but you won't bait me into another futile discussion of your ignorance regarding God.

But then, according to this thread's rules - you have to be right - so I guess I'm not very "christly" (sic)
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