Eddie, please don't insult me

???? Who is this referring to? I simply asked a question on the total cost

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Calm down. If you take a look, you will see that this Old man is a troll and I just started a new thread for him.
I haven't seen anybody ask about his project. I don't think anybody cares

Actually, I had to go to a different forum to see updates, before tonight, because I believe there is more than one way to build a jeep :thumbup:

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Actually, I had to go to a different forum to see updates, before tonight, because I believe there is more than one way to build a jeep :thumbup:

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Good for you. There most certainly is more than one way to build up a Jeep and I'm glad to hear you know how to use the internet to find whatever information you are looking for.

So that it's not missed, Notajerryskid is NOT welcome here anymore and hasn't been for quite some time. His buddy Old man here hasn't been on the forum since March and only came on tonight to stir the pot and I don't appreciate it. As of now, he is no longer welcome here. I would be grateful if you would please not encourage him.
You see, I view the Internet as a way to share information, if someone can show how to build something that a few people might want to try building, I say go for it. Not everyone is going to try it, therefore, that's where the sponsors come into play. The sponsors have something already that is bolt in, ready to go, for those that can afford to pay, and don't want to try to make it work.
The sponsors shouldn't be afraid to see what one guy is building in his garage, because that makes them work harder at building a better product.

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You see, I view the Internet as a way to share information, if someone can show how to build something that a few people might want to try building, I say go for it. Not everyone is going to try it, therefore, that's where the sponsors come into play. The sponsors have something already that is bolt in, ready to go, for those that can afford to pay, and don't want to try to make it work.
The sponsors shouldn't be afraid to see what one guy is building in his garage, because that makes them work harder at building a better product.

Ummm, maybe I missed something but, what?? Since when did any of this become about "sponsors"? You want to talk about junk yard axles - knock yourself out - I really couldn't give a shit. In spite of what you've been told or have chosen to believe, this is about a troll who goes by the name Old man who came on here to revive a thread that nobody cares about and belonged to a member who isn't welcome here anymore. :naw:
Umm, no, this goes back to the original poster being told he couldn't post anymore information on this forum about his junkyard axle build.

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Umm, no, this goes back to the original poster being told he couldn't post anymore information on this forum about his junkyard axle build.

Ummmm, okay, you lost me. "Original poster" as in Notajerryskid or his buddy Old man? Because, Old man had posted this up in Notajerryskid's old build thread and in an effort to stir the pot. I moved it and the corresponding posts out and made it into a new thread here. You do know that, right?
Eddie, please don't insult me, you know I am referring to Ricky

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I get it, big forum, lots of users.
Ricky = notajerryskid
He was told, by you, not to post anymore pics on his build thread of his axle build, same way I was told not to mention anyone getting free parts from me. Never an apology, just don't do that anymore. Got it. Thanks.
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I get it, big forum, lots of users.
Ricky = notajerryskid

:cheesy: Actually, this is kind of a small forum and I know quite a few people on here by their first names. Just because I didn't know that notajerryskid's real name is "Ricky" just means I didn't give a shit to know what his real name was.

He was told, by you, not to post anymore pics on his build thread of his axle build, same way I was told not to mention anyone getting free parts from me.

LOL!! Hang on there buddy, there's a thing called the TRUTH and you seem to be ignorant of it or are purposefully trying to twist it. So that there's no confusion, I specifically asked notajerryskid and I quote, to "do us all a favor and spend more of your time posting up over on JKO. At least there you won't have any fears of getting "banned". Need proof? It's all here pal:


...same way I was told not to mention anyone getting free parts from me. Never an apology, just don't do that anymore. Got it. Thanks.

Funny, I couldn't recall what you were talking about here so I went digging through my old PM's to see what I might have said to you to get you so butthurt. And, here it is....

wayoflife said:
Hey Paul, while I think it's great that you're helping out your fellow Jeepers by making parts for them, I'd be grateful if you and the people you help keep a lower profile about it. It is only an assumption of mine but, I doubt you are doing all this for free and you're starting to look like a fab shop. I'm sure you're just trying to be helpful and mean no harm but you're starting to draw enough attention that I'm now having to address this. I hope you can be understanding of my position here.

Yeah, I sure was an ass about that and so much so that you most certainly would have been butthurt by it. :naw:

Now I understand why you haven't responded to my PM's tonight. Apparently, you've been hanging out with the losers over on JKO and now are looking to be some kind of hero. And here I thought you were a decent guy. So much for that. :naw:
Just an Old Man that Likes to be a Troll

Not really sure why you are making this your fight, but whatever. The bottom line is that Notajerry made a choice a while back, and he was held responsible for it. If you can't see that or don't like it, that's on you. Old Man is clearly trying to revive that drama; that's on him and he can deal with the results. Again, I'm not sure how that has anything to do with you.

This isn't about a junkyard build, it's about the owner of the build and the person who is now trying to stir shit up.

Choose your hills carefully.
I am not a registered user on jko

That's all you've got after all that? :cheesy:

Come on, there has to be something else you want to over exaggerate, twist the truth or flat out lie about?

Remember that time you accused me of not being honest? This was back during the whole Army_Vet thing, do you remember that? You got all fired up and got confused about what was posted on what page and what post number was what and in the end, it turned out that you were just making things up in your head and believing them to be true. Of course, back then, I calmly reminded you of where you could find the real truth and you had to apologize to me.

I think you need to take a step back again, think things through and apologize to me yet again.
What direction is that?

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You've been around long enough to know exactly what you're doing. If you want to go hang and share valuable info with NAJK and OM, just go do that. Why try to play stupid and go toe to toe with eddie and the mods?
What direction is that?

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Stupidity. You are getting all bent out of shape about something that really has nothing to do with you. Seems like you have something on your mind and for whatever reason you have decided tonight, and this thread, is the going to be where you lay it all out. Kind of reminds me of a drunk high school chick but, whatever.

Well, let's hear it. This should be fun.
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