Funny things that happened in your jeep life

lived in newport oregon most of my life. after basic/ait training i went home to buy my first and current jeep (black jkx as stock as they come lol) and went to the wrong dealer. sat down told him what i wanted and the guy just looked at me and told me with a smirk we dont sell jeeps. oops i was soo excited i drove right past the jeep dealer:banghead:. oh and there are only 3 car dealers in town. my bad.. love the jeep though put 2500 miles on it the next day driving to colorado in mid winter.
GARBO said:
lived in newport oregon most of my life. after basic/ait training i went home to buy my first and current jeep (black jkx as stock as they come lol) and went to the wrong dealer. sat down told him what i wanted and the guy just looked at me and told me with a smirk we dont sell jeeps. oops i was soo excited i drove right past the jeep dealer:banghead:. oh and there are only 3 car dealers in town. my bad.. love the jeep though put 2500 miles on it the next day driving to colorado in mid winter.

LOL! That's funny. I love the Oregon coast.
love the coast too miss the ocean and the rivers in the summer. but i cant wait to get back to my new home in colorado and do some wheeling in my new jeep next summer after all the snow is all gone.
GARBO said:
lived in newport oregon most of my life. after basic/ait training i went home to buy my first and current jeep (black jkx as stock as they come lol) and went to the wrong dealer. sat down told him what i wanted and the guy just looked at me and told me with a smirk we dont sell jeeps. oops i was soo excited i drove right past the jeep dealer:banghead:. oh and there are only 3 car dealers in town. my bad.. love the jeep though put 2500 miles on it the next day driving to colorado in mid winter.

Haha that's pretty funny man. I lived in Eugene forever and now live in Colorado. It's cool to know another Oregonian lives in the Rado with me.
hopefully your jeep faired better then mine in the last hail storm my hood looks like a golfball. we just dont get hail like that on the coast. sad day
Funny things that have happened in my Jeep life??? All I know is since we bought the JK and met up with the So Cal crowd we have had a BLAST! I cannot even start to count the endless parties, BBQ’s, trails, and overall great times we have had with our new found friends.

To stay on topic ... We have laughed and laughed and laughed at all the crazy-ass antics that have gone on. But the FUNNIEST is when some smart @$$ hooked up an UUGGAA horn to Trail Buds trailer plug. When he jumped in and started his Jeep, when he stepped on the brakes the horn started blasting! :cheesy: He kept saying ...”What’s that noise”??? (in the typical Trail Bud voice).:thinking: :bleh::standing wave::bleh::standing wave:
got a new one from about a week ago.. pulled up to my mail box at my apartment complex and a guy and his wife pulled in next to me and he was starring so hard at my jeep ( stock 2012 jk black) he crashed over the bumpstop and on to the side walk. he got out of the red faced and looked over his SUV before backing it off of the curb his wife was laughing the hole time at him. made my day abit
Funny Things

So I'm leaving Ft Bliss to go home for the day (appx 1 hour drive) and just as I pull onto the highway, a huge sandstorm hits. No doors, no windows, just the bikini top on. I pull over and close my eyes. When its all over, there is what seems like inches of sand inside the Jeep. Crap... I continue on. By the time I hit trans mountain to cross over into NM, its starts to rain. It rains so hard that I have to pull over again because the inside of the windshield is soak too. Now I have what looks like a mud pit in my Jeep, and all over myself. As I'm traveling up the mountain, I notice every car passing me a slowing down to my speed, starring for a minute, and continuing on. After the 5th car or so, I stop to look at the Jeep. I then realize that not only does my Jeep look like its a rolling abandoned vehicle, but I'm a mess. Mud on my face, hair all crazy, I was literally laughing out loud right there on the side of the road. I finally get home, and my wife, who usually greets me with a 'how was your day', gives me a "WTF happened to you?" Great times! (FYI, I checked the weather that morning, the news said only 10% chance of rain...Liars!)
So I'm leaving Ft Bliss to go home for the day (appx 1 hour drive) and just as I pull onto the highway, a huge sandstorm hits. No doors, no windows, just the bikini top on. I pull over and close my eyes. When its all over, there is what seems like inches of sand inside the Jeep. Crap... I continue on. By the time I hit trans mountain to cross over into NM, its starts to rain. It rains so hard that I have to pull over again because the inside of the windshield is soak too. Now I have what looks like a mud pit in my Jeep, and all over myself. As I'm traveling up the mountain, I notice every car passing me a slowing down to my speed, starring for a minute, and continuing on. After the 5th car or so, I stop to look at the Jeep. I then realize that not only does my Jeep look like its a rolling abandoned vehicle, but I'm a mess. Mud on my face, hair all crazy, I was literally laughing out loud right there on the side of the road. I finally get home, and my wife, who usually greets me with a 'how was your day', gives me a "WTF happened to you?" Great times! (FYI, I checked the weather that morning, the news said only 10% chance of rain...Liars!)

hahahaha This one made me laugh :D it's a jeep thing heh!
I bought my Jeep on a Monday. Drove it off the lot with the top down and took a little cruise. Got back to my apartment, parked and went inside. Next morning I wake up earlier than usual so I could take the long way to work and enjoy the toplessness. I stopped at a gas station for a coffee refill, as I walked to the door I turned around to catch another glimps of my new to me Jeep just in time to see a cat jump out from behind the rear seat and take off running. :thinking:
I bought my Jeep on a Monday. Drove it off the lot with the top down and took a little cruise. Got back to my apartment, parked and went inside. Next morning I wake up earlier than usual so I could take the long way to work and enjoy the toplessness. I stopped at a gas station for a coffee refill, as I walked to the door I turned around to catch another glimps of my new to me Jeep just in time to see a cat jump out from behind the rear seat and take off running. :thinking:

LOL well... i have chickens laying eggs in mine... :doh:
I had RCI racing seats. Most of the summer I left the top and doors off. In order to get into the drivers seat I had to put one foot in the corner of the doorway, grab hold of the roll cage, and swing myself above the seat and plop down into it. These seats gave meaning to BUCKET seats. I think they were 6 inches deep.

One morning I went out and plopped myself into 6" of water in the seat as it had rained sometime during the evening and I forgot to cover it up. :shock:

BRRRR. makes me shiver just remembering it.
I bought my Jeep on a Monday. Drove it off the lot with the top down and took a little cruise. Got back to my apartment, parked and went inside. Next morning I wake up earlier than usual so I could take the long way to work and enjoy the toplessness. I stopped at a gas station for a coffee refill, as I walked to the door I turned around to catch another glimps of my new to me Jeep just in time to see a cat jump out from behind the rear seat and take off running. :thinking:

That's great!

LOL well... i have chickens laying eggs in mine... :doh:

Wow, just when you think you've heard it all! I can't imagine...

One day I was stuck in dead-stop traffic and was just having "one of those days." Then, I noticed this shadow of this huge bird above me. I just knew for sure this bird was going to crap on my head...but it didn't. Instead, as I sat there in traffic, paying no mind, this thing swoops down and perches itself on the passenger-side "rollbar" above the front door, ass facing straight towards me. I was scared to death. I thought for sure, "Yep, I'm gonna get crapped on," and I thought about swatting at it to get it off the Jeep but thought the better of it. Knowing my luck, had I swatted this thing, I was liable to get attacked. That just wouldn't have been a good thing. While it only lasted for a few moments, it seemed like this hawk was sitting there for an eternity. :icon_crazy:

It was crazy. These are some of those things you really just don't think about happening...
I thought for sure, "Yep, I'm gonna get crapped on,"
I get this feeling everytime I hit a red light. I always look up to make sure I'm not sitting under powerlines or light poles. I had a birdie doo-doo plop down on my empty passenger seat once so now I'm paranoid about it hitting me one day.

I heard it's suppose to be good luck though, I'll stick with my bad luck thank you very much.
I thought for sure, "Yep, I'm gonna get crapped on,"
I get this feeling everytime I hit a red light. I always look up to make sure I'm not sitting under powerlines or light poles. I had a birdie doo-doo plop down on my empty passenger seat once so now I'm paranoid about it hitting me one day.

I heard it's suppose to be good luck though, I'll stick with my bad luck thank you very much.

Never thought about powerlines! Yeah, I'll stick with my bad luck, too...
I had the top and doors off once and while my girl and I were heading home the mother of all rain storms comes out of nowhere so we atleast push the top up to help a little bit.

So we are driving along and I see a puddle and I think "this is great I'm going to soak her" well the water flew the totally opposite direction so I'm dissapointed. She knew what I was trying to do too. Well a few minutes later karma gets the best of me as an 18 wheeler goes by the opposite direction and hits a puddle and just soaks me. I have been swimming before and not gotten that wet.

Tried to mess with my passenger and got burnt.....well soaked :doh:
Well took my jeep in to get a little tuning up before my Moab trip. Forgot Bluetooth was activated on my phone. Was talking on my phone when all of a sudden it cut out. Didn't realize the mechanic pulled my jeep into the shop putting Bluetooth right in range transferring my call to the jeep. Took me a minute to figure out I didn't get disconnected and by that time the mechanic comes in joking with me saying didn't realize your jeep talks, she is really sweet.
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