My own JK 'Big Brake' research:

Minor update...

After doing a bit more research, I have decided to have the caliper adapter bracket machined out of steel plate instead of aluminum. Most other companies out there use aluminum, I believe due to ease of machining. I think that the strength benefits are worth it. In addition to issues like the inherent corrosion increase with having dissimilar metals bolted directly together. I know, I know. Minor detail...but I'm trying to be thorough! :D Once I have the test caliper in hand this week I'll be able to figure out the bracket thickness. It will probably be 1/2"... no worries about breaking or bending!!
What kind of doctor are you? You seem very thorough. Your patients are probably very lucky. :thumb:
Aww, thanks :)

I'm an ER doc. Board certified in ER/trauma care. I like what I do... and I hate patients not understanding what their doctor is telling them, or why they are giving them a certain medication, or why they are doing a test. I really try to make my patients understand their care. That's really hard to make occur in an ER environment. But I try. It doesn't make me the fastest or best paid doc (because most are paid on productivity) fact I'm one of the lowest. But I can sleep at night knowing I did everything I could for my patients, and maybe even helped them understand the care given to them by their own family docs a little better... To me that's what is important.

So, yes, I'm gonna do my best to make this little brake project something well-planned out. :D

And thanks for the compliment... made my day... (which was pretty rough)
I work as a CT tech at a level one trauma center. Patients are wayyy more understanding if you explain what and why your doing something. Thumbs up for being thorough.
The other reason moght be that alumium serves as a much better heat sink. That said, the large rotor is what will be dissipating the vast majority of the heat here.
Just want to say Majik that this is a thread of epic proportions. Extremely relative in that we obviously all desire that extra stopping power for our rigs and at same time information is still great to know for any other vehicular endeavor. I've learned more about brakes in this thread than from any magazine or TV show. Thanks for your hard work.
Its funny how small of a world it is. I work in R&D for a medical device co that makes a platelet reactivity monitoring system. Not used a whole lot in trauma yet but more in pre and post surgical procedures for stents etc.

Funny thing is we find the more info we give Dr's the more comfortable they are with the results of the test. However the FDA seems to be the opposite, the less info you give the easier time it it to get approved hahaha.
Just want to say Majik that this is a thread of epic proportions. Extremely relative in that we obviously all desire that extra stopping power for our rigs and at same time information is still great to know for any other vehicular endeavor. I've learned more about brakes in this thread than from any magazine or TV show. Thanks for your hard work.

I'm really glad for the interest, but I'd hardly call it 'epic'... LOL! Just really happy that there is interest! Who knows, maybe this upgrade will prevent a fellow Jeeper from running up my ass when I have to hit the brakes someday...or prevent me from running up your ass trying to stop those heavy wheels and tires! :D Hope it works out well and affordable for all...

And thanks to everyone for the encouragement...its greatly appreciated :blush:
I'm really glad for the interest, but I'd hardly call it 'epic'... LOL! Just really happy that there is interest! Who knows, maybe this upgrade will prevent a fellow Jeeper from running up my ass when I have to hit the brakes someday...or prevent me from running up your ass trying to stop those heavy wheels and tires! :D Hope it works out well and affordable for all...

And thanks to everyone for the encouragement...its greatly appreciated :blush:

Nah dude, epic lol. And very true. I was just thinking the other day about the damage one of us could do to another vehicle with the stingers. Morbid yes, but interesting to think about lol. Definitely looking forward to your results.
The SSBC rotor up grade kit I had for my Sierra had the caliper adaptor bracket made out of steel not aluminum. It was about 1/2" also. Just for reference.
Teaser pic!!! The test caliper arrived a day early. It is HUGE. And gorgeous :) I just got home from a 16 hour shift, so don't be disappointed, but no, I'm not going to the Jeep to take a mounted pic until tomorrow! ;)

Here she is!!



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All I can say is...
:jaw drop:

Lol. Yeah... it is one sexy b****. The finish is really nice... better than I expected. Oh, and it's huge compared with the stock one. Probably twice the weight. And my rough measurements show it just may fit inside a stock rim!! With a 14" rotor!! Drooling.... LOL!
Teaser pic!!! The test caliper arrived a day early. It is HUGE. And gorgeous :) I just got home from a 16 hour shift, so don't be disappointed, but no, I'm not going to the Jeep to take a mounted pic until tomorrow! ;)

Here she is!!

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Can you put a scale or a ruler next to it so we can see true scale? or even stock caliper?:standing wave: Just to see the size diff.
Oh, of course I will! I just put those couple teasers up because I was exhausted and just got home from work. Tons of pics to come! Comparisons, detailed measurements, etc...
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