Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Despite Facebook’s very best algorithms, my news feed is filled with posts I don’t want to see. Let me clarify what 'posts I don’t want to see' means...

Posts about dead dogs

Injured dogs

Mistreated dogs

Dogs that need to be adopted

Dogs with skin diseases that nobody loves

Sick cats

Dead cats

Cats that need adoption

Anything about people in China eating cats

Anything from the ASPCA, PETA or other animal rights organization

Dead babies


Sick babies

Charities that 'help' sick babies

Mono-amniotic twin babies born holding hands but covered in blood and all kinds of other grossness

Anything baby related at all unless it’s your beautiful newborn baby

Any quiz taken on Buzzfeed that lets you know what character on 'Game of Thrones' you’d be

Anything at all from Buzzfeed

Anything from Upworthy

Anything that includes the phrase ‘and what happened next will amaze you’

Any news that’s older than 72 hours. Just cause it’s news to you doesn’t mean it's actual news

How many calories you just burned during your 12 mile jog

Any personal information about your ex and how terrible of a parent/partner he/she is/was

Your high score on any mobile game app

And finally...

Any feebleminded attempt at circumventing Facebook's terms and conditions through copying and pasting a generic status update that you now think shields you from having your voluntarily given information/pictures shared.

Vary well said Sir. And don't forget the every second of my life updates. Like any one gives a crap. What ever happened to grabbing a beer around a fire in the middle of nowhere.
When people pull up to a red light in the right lane when there is no one in the left lane... And don't turn right.
People who STILL have Obama bumper stickers on their cars.
People who don't use their turn signals.
Chewing with your mouth open.
People who are loud and think they're funny in the movie theatre.
My wife promising sex and not following through.
Bad grammar, poor spelling.
Waiters and waitresses that tell me that they are going to be my waiter/waitress today.
People that say "question for you..."
People that don't wash their hands after pissing.
The undeniable fact that it will rain within 24 hours of me washing my jeep.
Death wobble.
People speeding on my street.
People blaring music with obscenities when I've got my doors off and kids in the car at stop lights.
YouTube ads.
The way Wilfred Brimley says "diabetes."
The way meteorologists can be wrong so often, and still retain their jobs.
Dog poop on the lawn mower tire.
The 10 character minimum on forum posts.
When people pull up to a red light in the right lane when there is no one in the left lane... And don't turn right.
People who STILL have Obama bumper stickers on their cars.
People who don't use their turn signals.
Chewing with your mouth open.
People who are loud and think they're funny in the movie theatre.
My wife promising sex and not following through.
Bad grammar, poor spelling.
Waiters and waitresses that tell me that they are going to be my waiter/waitress today.
People that say "question for you..."
People that don't wash their hands after pissing.
The undeniable fact that it will rain within 24 hours of me washing my jeep.
Death wobble.
People speeding on my street.
People blaring music with obscenities when I've got my doors off and kids in the car at stop lights.
YouTube ads.
The way Wilfred Brimley says "diabetes."
The way meteorologists can be wrong so often, and still retain their jobs.
Dog poop on the lawn mower tire.
The 10 character minimum on forum posts.

Is that everything?ROFLMAO
I have a new one.

Most of my pet peeves are from years of hating almost everything.

The people (and I use that term loosely) in my town that have very loud sound systems on the outside of there vehicles.

I hear them drive by with their external speakers blasting "whatever rap song" and their windows are rolled up !!!

What.....Why....Who thought this was cool !!??

Why are you subjecting the public to this. Why aren't you in jail somewhere !?

Number 1 pet peeve: when people act like they have worked hard for their toys but actually Mommy and Daddy bought them all.

2. When girls with jeeps think they're hot shit when they have their stock jeeps and don't wave back! (Not that I have anything against stock bc most of mine is but it's the girls that get a jeep and they have no idea about anything)

3. Coal miners and pipeliners that go out and pay cash for a 10th anniversary rubicon and don't care about it and ruin everything while I'm over here struggling to just get started.
When people pull up to a red light in the right lane when there is no one in the left lane... And don't turn right.
People who STILL have Obama bumper stickers on their cars.
People who don't use their turn signals.
Chewing with your mouth open.
People who are loud and think they're funny in the movie theatre.
My wife promising sex and not following through.
Bad grammar, poor spelling.
Waiters and waitresses that tell me that they are going to be my waiter/waitress today.
People that say "question for you..."
People that don't wash their hands after pissing.
The undeniable fact that it will rain within 24 hours of me washing my jeep.
Death wobble.
People speeding on my street.
People blaring music with obscenities when I've got my doors off and kids in the car at stop lights.
YouTube ads.
The way Wilfred Brimley says "diabetes."
The way meteorologists can be wrong so often, and still retain their jobs.
Dog poop on the lawn mower tire.
The 10 character minimum on forum posts.

The wife promising sex and not following through.
Dude that would piss me off too. The power they possess with withholding sex is too much.

Piggy backing off your list...
Doing ALL the work during sex. That really pisses me off.
For me:
Bad Ignorant Drivers:
>No Turn signals.
>riding Brakes.
>Driving slow.
>Driving in the outside lane without passing, then not pulling over to let you pass. Then as you pass on the inside speed up to prevent you from passing, then once you do pass, flashing their headlights, crawling up your A$$, and flipping you off.
>Women on phones, Worse than little old ladies, as they can't figure out how to drive straight, Almost as bad as walking and chewing bubblegum.
>The people in the front at a light that don't pay attention to the light when it changes and sit there for 20 seconds before people start beeping, then flip people off out the window as they take a right turn that they did not signal for, and that could have taken 5 minutes ago as no one was going through the intersection from the other direction.
In general every A$$Whole behind the wheel..

Getting Older isn't bad, but body breaking down SUCKS...

Etc, the list is long, but one of them is people that ramble on and on, so I won't do that and piss people off... :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
I have a new one.

Most of my pet peeves are from years of hating almost everything.

The people (and I use that term loosely) in my town that have very loud sound systems on the outside of there vehicles.

I hear them drive by with their external speakers blasting "whatever rap song" and their windows are rolled up !!!

What.....Why....Who thought this was cool !!??

Why are you subjecting the public to this. Why aren't you in jail somewhere !?


People are putting speakers OUTSIDE of their cars??? Surely there must be a law prohibiting that..... :thinking:
Number 1 pet peeve: when people act like they have worked hard for their toys but actually Mommy and Daddy bought them all.

2. When girls with jeeps think they're hot shit when they have their stock jeeps and don't wave back! (Not that I have anything against stock bc most of mine is but it's the girls that get a jeep and they have no idea about anything)

3. Coal miners and pipeliners that go out and pay cash for a 10th anniversary rubicon and don't care about it and ruin everything while I'm over here struggling to just get started.

Lots of jealousy going on in this post.
Number 1 pet peeve: when people act like they have worked hard for their toys but actually Mommy and Daddy bought them all.

2. When girls with jeeps think they're hot shit when they have their stock jeeps and don't wave back! (Not that I have anything against stock bc most of mine is but it's the girls that get a jeep and they have no idea about anything)

3. Coal miners and pipeliners that go out and pay cash for a 10th anniversary rubicon and don't care about it and ruin everything while I'm over here struggling to just get started.

Lots of jealousy going on in this post.

1. People who get pissed off because other people are more successful than they are rather than getting off their asses and going and doing something about it, especially coal miners and pipeliners. Those dudes earn every penny they get and if they wanna rag out a "special" Jeep (which IS still a Jeep BTW, it would be so much worse if it just sat in a garage all nice and shiny never getting used) they have every right to do so.

2. People who get pissed off whenever a successful parent does something nice for their children because they have the means to do so, especially since anyone in that situation would do the same thing or appreciate having the same thing done for them.

3. Dudes that expect chicks to act and think like dudes but still be good at being a chick.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
The wife promising sex and not following through.
Dude that would piss me off too. The power they possess with withholding sex is too much.

Piggy backing off your list...
Doing ALL the work during sex. That really pisses me off.

That's typically what leads to husbands having girlfriends...;)
That's typically what leads to husbands having girlfriends...;)

One can only hope... :thumb:

1. Women that don't enjoy BJs (when my wife gives one... She is never into it... I like a woman to enjoy herself. Sucks when she's not... It's like work to her)
2. Humidity
3. Over cooked calamari
When a politician does a TV commercial and does the talking him/herself then at the end says "I'm so and so and I approve this message"

I hope you approved that message you just said it!!
Men who bad mouth their spouse every chance they get but don't have the balls to just end their marriage and move on.
3. Dudes that expect chicks to act and think like dudes but still be good at being a chick.

...... one can always dream!
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