Roof Rack + Snorkel = Overland?

you need to know where to look....there are places to explore.

Sorry but I know where to look. If you can back up you claims with actual pictures I might believe you, otherwise you are talking out of your ass like you have been. I spent 10+ years exploring the Adirondacks. There is NO offroading.
Well, it is one gigantic mountainous unless you have a rig capable of driving through trees, yes, you need to look for trails/roads to explore.

A dirt road through the Adirondacks is not offroading. It is called driving.

And the only trails there are ATV trails and DEC does not allow anything other then ATV's and snowmobiles on those trails. And both of those are not expedition vehicles.
So now we are talking about illegal off-road/car camping/being a pretentious prick? :thinking:

There's nothing illegal about that...there are remote, rarely-traveled roads that require off-road capable rigs. These aren't illegal trails that I am talking about.
There's nothing illegal about that...there are remote, rarely-traveled roads that require off-road capable rigs. These aren't illegal trails that I am talking about.

Negative ghost rider. I've driven a mini van and other cars through the Adirondacks. Post some pictures to prove it.

You are making yourself sound more and more like the dumb fuck that you are.

I should place a call to one of my dads good friends who is with DEC or a friend I went to high school with who is also with DEC and ask them if you can Offroad in the Adirondacks. Maybe record their answer.
There's nothing illegal about that...there are remote, rarely-traveled roads that require off-road capable rigs. These aren't illegal trails that I am talking about.

So roads..... you are talking about roads.

We have these "roads" you are referring to here in VA. That is not a fucking overland expedition, and they do not require extra fuel, a snorkel and a RTT.
There's nothing illegal about that...there are remote, rarely-traveled roads that require off-road capable rigs. These aren't illegal trails that I am talking about.

Actually it is illegal because any vehicle over 1000 pounds is not allowed to Offroad in the Adirondacks. Only vehicles under 1000 pounds are allowed which is why ATV's, UTV's and snowmobiles are allowed. Need me to post proof I can, unlike you.
Dear Fred

Please stop. I come to this amazing forum to learn from people vastly more experienced than I about all things Jeep. I find many interesting and informative threads by reviewing the "Whats's New?" section. Recently though, all I see is this thread. How can I learn about Jeeping if you continue to keep this going?

In the name of humanity please cease and desist.

Come on Fred I see you're still viewing this thread. Are you looking for picture proof or Internet proof to back up your bullshit? You didn't think any of us California folks had spent any time in the Adirondacks did you?
Elko County, Nevada covers about 17,000 sq.mi. (almost twice as big as the entire state of Vermont). Yet, Elko has just over 52,000 residents compared to Vermont's 626,000+ people. The elevation variation in Elko is over 7,000 feet (up to 11,387 feet above sea level). In the entire state of Vermont, the elevation variation is only about 4,300 feet (up to just 4,393 feet above sea level.) If I drive 20 minutes from my house, I climb more than 4,400 feet.

Look, I'm not knocking the East Coast. I'm sure there are some great places to wheel and visit. But don't come on this forum and act like you are this badass "overlander" because you drive on some logging roads in a state park. There are many, many places in Nevada (and throughout the West) in which a vehicle breakdown would mean DAYS of walking on foot to get help.
I have to say, this Fred guy might be one the worst JKO trolls as of late. At least have some imagination with your responses. I feel like he's simply a broken record that won't stop! I've got my popcorn in hand either way!
I have to say, this Fred guy might be one the worst JKO trolls as of late. At least have some imagination with your responses. I feel like he's simply a broken record that won't stop! I've got my popcorn in hand either way!

What if this Fred guy is performing some sort of initiation for a new hardcore JKO gang? :dont_tell:
There's nothing illegal about that...there are remote, rarely-traveled roads that require off-road capable rigs. These aren't illegal trails that I am talking about.

I'm also willing to bet that there is nothing at the end or in-between, on these "roads" you are talking about. No old ruins with a cool history, no abandoned building, no fossils to dig up, and no point to it all other than some nice landscape photos. Lame.

This "I explored a rarely explored place" stance is weak to say the least.
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