Shark "Tank"

Shark "Tank"

is your ARB temp accurate? does it shut off at your setting?
the one I received appears to be 10deg off, I set it at 37F the ARB doesn't kick off until it reaches 27, I set it to 41 and it kicks off at 31.
I need to get an internal thermometer to see what the actual temp is.

It cooled off below the temp I set and then slowly worked its way back up to within a couple of degrees. I'll need to test it better with an internal thermometer.
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So, in my non-scientific test, the goal zero still had 60% left after 17 hours of running the ARB at about 34*f. That's not bad at all. Granted, the ARB was inside and there was nothing in it.

It seems to me that I could easily make it through a sunny weekend with some solar panels hooked up to the goal zero...and it shouldn't take much to have a system that runs indefinitely.

Edit: the other thing I learned is that the goal zero's 12 volt outlet will NOT run the ARB; the ARB must be hooked up to the 110 outlet.

That's impressive, I didn't think you would get that long of a run time.

I could gather this info with a Google search, what are your options for charging the Zero on the trail, solar only or does it have a 12v input?
It cooled off below the temp I set and then slowly worked its way back up to within a couple of degrees. I'll net to test it better with an internal thermometer.

I'll need to do the same, I'd hate to roll with frozen or spoiled food!
That's impressive, I didn't think you would get that long of a run time.

I could gather this info with a Google search, what are your options for charging the Zero on the trail, solar only or does it have a 12v input?

It has a 12-volt input so I can charge with my Jeep while I'm driving. At camp, I have one 20watt fold up solar panel that I can use to recharge but I intend to get 2-3 more.
So, in my non-scientific test, the goal zero still had 60% left after 17 hours of running the ARB at about 34*f. That's not bad at all. Granted, the ARB was inside and there was nothing in it.

It seems to me that I could easily make it through a sunny weekend with some solar panels hooked up to the goal zero...and it shouldn't take much to have a system that runs indefinitely.

Edit: the other thing I learned is that the goal zero's 12 volt outlet will NOT run the ARB; the ARB must be hooked up to the 110 outlet.

Should be more efficient loaded up. Especially if you throw a few frozen things in there. :yup:
Now that I have my fridge, it's time to work on getting a direct line from the battery.

I made these little 12 volt plug platforms to match my deck. That way very little of the plug hangs into the space under the deck (there should be enough clearance for my pelican boxes so they don't hit the wires).

Hopefully I can finish this project up this week sometime.

What are your clearances for the wires? I hate that sort of thing, cause if there is a chance, you know they will get snagged...

Might be worth a few dollars and a bit of planning to make a small shield out of a little (and relatively thin) angle bracket, or maybe grab a small piece of Kydex off Amazon and make a little "L" or "U" shield to cup the connectors. Shouldnt be too difficult, with something like Kydex, though it may take some work with a grinder to get it all completed. Not sure if its worth it, just would depend on location and space, etc.

What solar panel are you using? I have been considering a solar battery tender for a vehicle that doesnt get used too often. I like the idea of a flexible ones much more than the solid ones I am finding.
Shark "Tank"

With right angle connectors, I probably won't have any clearance issues at all but if necessary I will make some type of shield. As for the panel, right now I am using a goal zero nomad 20. It is three panels that fold up into a pretty small space (about the size of a small laptop). I have a feeling there are better options out there, but having all goal zero gear makes for a plug and play experience. They are not inexpensive though at about $200 each.
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It cooled off below the temp I set and then slowly worked its way back up to within a couple of degrees. I'll need to test it better with an internal thermometer.

I tested mine with a fridge thermometer and as I suspected it was off by 10 degrees, wrote to ARB and they sent instructions to adjust and calibrate the display temperature.
from ARB "The sensor probe is in the floor a couple inches back from the drain, so placing a thermometer there will get the most accurate reading. "
instructions if you need to adjust/calibrate your ARB:

Very good to know, thanks. I just picked up my electrical stuff to run a dedicated line (actually two, one for the ARB and one for the goal zero). I hope to get it done this week.
Very good to know, thanks. I just picked up my electrical stuff to run a dedicated line (actually two, one for the ARB and one for the goal zero). I hope to get it done this week.

I ordered the ARB wiring kit, it allows the connector to be screwed into it so it stays connected. I need to pick up some HDPE to make my platform and I'm thinking of using some HD sliders counter sunk into the platform for the ARB.
I'll be testing my routing skills I haven't used in a long time :thinking:
I ordered the ARB wiring kit, it allows the connector to be screwed into it so it stays connected. I need to pick up some HDPE to make my platform and I'm thinking of using some HD sliders counter sunk into the platform for the ARB.
I'll be testing my routing skills I haven't used in a long time :thinking:

You need the plug that screws in as well. The fridge does not come with it, and neither does the ARB wiring kit. At least not the one I bought and subsequently returned.
You need the plug that screws in as well. The fridge does not come with it, and neither does the ARB wiring kit. At least not the one I bought and subsequently returned.

The ARB plug that came with my fridge has the screw-in. It is inside of the normal 12 volt male plug. You unscrew the end of the 12 volt male plug to find it.

yes, the one that was in the box is like that

You need the plug that screws in as well. The fridge does not come with it, and neither does the ARB wiring kit. At least not the one I bought and subsequently returned.

hmm now that you mention that and looking at the images of the socket, it does make me wonder if or how it will screw in. guess I'll find out soon enough
As of April 2014 it appears the plugs that come with the ARB fridge are different. Mine is older and does not have the screw in.
Shark "Tank"

Plugs are in and wired up to the dash. Tomorrow I will pull them through to the battery. Then I have to mount some tie down brackets and I'll be all ready to go.


My pelican boxes fit fine and don't hit the bottom of the plugs.
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Until you jam all the last minute shit in there...or maybe that is just me. ;)

Lol. It's just you. I'm going very organized under the deck. Now, under the rear seat and on top of the deck could be a different story.

My goal is to have my tools, solar, kitchen, first-aid, and some other odds and ends permanently stored under the deck in a well-designed manner. Maybe a tent too.
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