Recent Shooting and Discussion

How the fuck can grown men be such little bitches when it comes to this shit? The fucking gun didn’t kill anyone and a properly owned gun never will. I think next we should outlaw bridges since they kill people. Matter of fact, get rid of the human heart too because grandma Jane died of a heart attack so fuck that thing.

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The problem is this. Let's say we voted to ban the Armalite Rifle 15 for private/public purchase. Now we have just set a precedent for the mini-14 and so on and so on and so on. This is exactly why the anti-gun crowd is bringing so much attention to the AR-15. It is the most likely candidate to be the stepping stone for gun control. It still won't stop crazy wicked out nut jobs from killing people. It is a tool. That same kid could have driven a car through the after school crowd or thrown pipe bombs into class rooms with the same or higher level of death and destruction.

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That 19 yo fired over 150 rounds in the short time he was there...try doing that with a pump shotgun or bolt action...
But in the hands of a bad guy 3 30 round magazines will hurt more people than 3 10 round magazines.

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Um, thats not a fair comparison. Its either: three 10 round mags OR one 30 round magazine. Liberals want mags to be 10 rounds. Maybe 15.

You're comparing 30 rounds to 90 rounds, however.

This isn't the best comparison but its decent enough to prove the point I believe. Shooter changes his shooting pattern slightly in the beginning. If nothing else the comments are funny.
The bad guy will carry 3 30 round magazines.

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Well yea. What shooter wouldnt? Carry as much as you can!
That 19 yo fired over 150 rounds in the short time he was there...try doing that with a pump shotgun or bolt action...

I totally get your point. That’s a lot. The reality though is a handgun, could do the same thing with 5 - 30 round mags.... He shouldn’t have had access to any of that. Not saying he couldn’t have acquired these, even if stricter laws were in place... but it may have lessened the blow... or he would have adapted and took a different route. It’s not good. I think we will start to see high capacity firearms diminish, or at least the ease of acquiring them.
1 victim is too many. Any one who enters a school with the intent to even fire one bullet is a piece of shit.
Assault weapons enable an operator to fire more rounds in a given period of time. Higher capacity magazines further increase that efficiency. Sure many people can cycle out an empty mag for a fresh one in a matter of seconds BUT that couple of seconds could have bought time for some of those people in the school to get a door locked, find cover, etc. One of the teachers died trying to get a door closed and locked if I recall.

The root causes IMO are mental health and the perversion of our national identity with firearms.

Pop-culture glamorizes violence while media and marketers utilize that imagery to keep you scared and buying shit you don't need.

Example: Everytime one of these shootings happen, gun sales go up.

Someone just said that guns are tools..they're right. But that's all they are.

But when it becomes your LIFESTYLE (can't leave the house for frozen yogurt without your openly-carried fashion accessory) is when you become a slave to those aforementioned forces.
How the fuck can grown men be such little bitches when it comes to this shit? The fucking gun didn’t kill anyone and a properly owned gun never will. I think next we should outlaw bridges since they kill people. Matter of fact, get rid of the human heart too because grandma Jane died of a heart attack so fuck that thing.

Good call, but why stop there. All types of arms should be made 100% legal. I'd really like to be able to go down to my local Home Depot and pick up a pipe bomb or a shoulder-fired missile. I feel like in the near future a nuclear weapon might be necessary for my personal defense from North Korea so I'm going to start saving. And trust me, I will be a proper nuke owner, so nobody will have anything to worry about.
Good call, but why stop there. All types of arms should be made 100% legal. I'd really like to be able to go down to my local Home Depot and pick up a pipe bomb or a shoulder-fired missile. I feel like in the near future a nuclear weapon might be necessary for my personal defense from North Korea so I'm going to start saving. And trust me, I will be a proper nuke owner, so nobody will have anything to worry about.

Not a bad idea. Natural selection would likely wean out all the idiots and criminals very quickly.
What's an assault weapon? Other than when a killer uses one? I've never referred to any of my high-capacity weapons as 'assault' weapons :idontknow:

Anything fed with an ammo magazine would be my simple definition. I've seen others take it further but that's them.

I hunt with a bolt action...but I'm also a great shot :D.

I LMAO when people try to claim their high capacity rifles are only used for hunting because they're telling me they can't shoot for shit.

BTW, not a 2nd Ammendment hater here. Just citing that I feel there are bigger problems than just the "tools".
That 19 yo fired over 150 rounds in the short time he was there...try doing that with a pump shotgun or bolt action...

1966 Texas. Remington 700 bolt action. It's been done. I get your point about the capability of the tool used, I just hope you see the point that it is a tool. Taking away the tool will not stop crazy people. They just use a different tool. If we allow them to take away one tool it just gives them leverage to take another tool and another tool. Then when bat shit crazy shows up your house you can throw pillows at him while he is shooting you with his illegal tool. Or drives his car through the bus line or builds a fertilizer bomb etc. etc. It is a complicated culture/mental health problem. Not a gun problem.

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If this sick monster would have shot 30 rounds of 12 gauge in the same setting in the same time, there would have likely been 30 fatalities. Locked doors would have been largely ineffective.

As a gun owner, I support better (national) background checks and I’m not a huge fan of private party firearm sales. I also don’t oppose reasonable limitations on magazine capacity. BUT, I don’t think any of the above will fix the issue.

Again, we need to address the why, not the how.
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