Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Pardoned by Bill Clinton on his last day in office. I looked this trash up on Wikipedia. How does this continue to happen. I challenge anyone reading this to justify voting Democrat in the upcoming election. It is literally a vote for socialism.

She's part of Thousand Currents the site removed her bio page .You don't have to read to far for this:
"Through our Philanthropic Partnerships program, Thousand Currents works with donors and impact investors to adopt transformative practices that can dismantle injustice and inequity."

Based in California, WTF has happened to California?? is it coincidence that since her release, California has become more far left and socialist like?
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It is absolutely lawful for a private business to refuse your entry if you refuse to wear a mask. The more interesting legal question is whether the governor can require the private business to refuse your entry.

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But what if i'm gay, black and non-binary?
Deaths in Texas, Arizona & Florida are more than double last week than at any other time March through June

I have a friend that loves statistics and data here in Texas, he has been downloading the Tx DHS data since it became available, he tells me the data they announce on the news is flawed.

They do not account for the length of time people have been hospitalized so it makes the data look worse than it really is.

The news makes you think the deaths are because of new cases but the reality is that the majority are people that have been hospitalized 60-90 days and are 80+

The actual number of deaths to new cases is very low, too low to make headlines and support the call for mandated mask so it's better to lump the data all together and spin it into a greater crisis.

Are there more cases? yes, a big jump in the 20-30 yo age group since mid June (a few weeks after the protests begin) and have been climbing steadily in that age group.

In my county, there have been 262 deaths, 7,730 recoveries.

Personally I would hate to lose a family member due to complications of covid and it's because I have a family member that has lung issues I am not traveling to see them this year until I find a place to rent and can isolate from them for the 14 day period. Who knows, even after 14 days I may be asymptomatic but I'm not going to get tested and tracked by those that are using this as a basis to control us even more.

My family member has told me to come on anyway because pretty much anything he breaths outside could kill him. He's now wearing a mask full time but not because of covid, because of all the allergens in the air that could put him in the hospital and kill him.

I carry a mask and wear it because stores are refusing entry to anyone not wearing a mask.
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Deaths in Texas, Arizona & Florida are more than double last week than at any other time March through June

Yes, but why doesn’t the media (or why didn’t you) include California in the same grim reporting? Newsom gets a pass but all of the Republican governors are killing their states?

More people died in New Jersey than have died in Texas, Arizona, and Florida combined.

I’m not registered with either political party, but the media coverage is laughable. They say that his Orangeness has made this virus political, but so have they.

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Yes, but why doesn’t the media (or why didn’t you) include California in the same grim reporting? Newsom gets a pass but all of the Republican governors are killing their states?

More people died in New Jersey than have died in Texas, Arizona, and Florida combined.

I’m not registered with either political party, but the media coverage is laughable. They say that his Orangeness has made this virus political, but so have they.

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Cali has way more positive cases now than a couple months ago, but their deaths are not double now than they were a couple monthS ago (they are higher, but not anywhere close to double) My intention was not to point out the republican govs, only that while deaths on the national aerage are declining, there are some states where their deaths are actually Increasing dramatically...these are the three worst cases
When I was much younger, seat belts were optional. Then one day, the government made it mandatory by law to wear them while driving. I resisted, thinking it it should be my sole decision whether I should wear them...if I wanted to risk my own life by not wearing one, that should be my right. Eventually I understood the science behind wearing seat belts...they did save lives, hundred of thousands of them, and eventually I wore them every time.

I see wearing masks today in this same light
This fucking Corona shit makes me hate the human race more and more. The fact that people are so fucking brainwashed and naive and unable to make their own education opinions is just plain sad.

Here are some real numbers. No articles. Make your own fucking conclusion. I’m not wearing a god damn mask and I’m not going to be scared for the rest of my life over this bullshit.

90% over people who died from rona had underlying conditions.

137,000 people have died “from rona” in the us

3,290,000 million people got the rona in the us

61,000 people died from flu in 2017-2018 season

45,000,000 people got the flu in 2017-2018 season

137,000 x 10% = 13,700

Rona has been in US for six months according to the people in the “know” (roughly)

There is 12 months in a year. Six months is half a year.

13,700 x 2 = 27,400

Less than fucking half of the amount dead from the flu.

The whole thing is a god damn joke.

And new flash to anyone who doesn’t know, nobody makes it out alive!

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Cali has way more positive cases now than a couple months ago, but their deaths are not double now than they were a couple monthS ago (they are higher, but not anywhere close to double) My intention was not to point out the republican govs, only that while deaths on the national aerage are declining, there are some states where their deaths are actually Increasing dramatically...these are the three worst cases

Actually, I’m pretty sure California’s cumulative death count is MORE than double what it was two months ago.

LA County is experiencing record daily deaths.

I’ve also read reports that LA County is quickly running out of hospital beds. It’s funny though, you have to do a little digging to really find out what is going on there. Juxtapose that with how Arizona, Florida, and Texas are predominating every news story. It really does show how political this entire shit show has become.

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This fucking Corona shit makes me hate the human race more and more. The fact that people are so fucking brainwashed and naive and unable to make their own education opinions is just plain sad.

Here are some real numbers. No articles. Make your own fucking conclusion. I’m not wearing a god damn mask and I’m not going to be scared for the rest of my life over this bullshit.

90% over people who died from rona had underlying conditions.

137,000 people have died “from rona” in the us

3,290,000 million people got the rona in the us

61,000 people died from flu in 2017-2018 season

45,000,000 people got the flu in 2017-2018 season

137,000 x 10% = 13,700

Rona has been in US for six months according to the people in the “know” (roughly)

There is 12 months in a year. Six months is half a year.

13,700 x 2 = 27,400

Less than fucking half of the amount dead from the flu.

The whole thing is a god damn joke.

And new flash to anyone who doesn’t know, nobody makes it out alive!

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I’m not following your say 137k died from Rona, and 61k died from the flu during the last flu hw did half as many died from rona than the flu?
Actually, I’m pretty sure California’s cumulative death count is MORE than double what it was two months ago.

LA County is experiencing record daily deaths.

I’ve also read reports that LA County is quickly running out of hospital beds. It’s funny though, you have to do a little digging to really find out what is going on there. Juxtapose that with how Arizona, Florida, and Texas are predominating every news story. It really does show how political this entire shit show has become.

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You are absolutely right in respect that this disease has been transformed into a political tragedy
I’m not following your say 137k died from Rona, and 61k died from the flu during the last flu hw did half as many died from rona than the flu?

Some calc about how 90% who died from it were old and had underlying conditions anyway and would have died on their own . Not true

What I don’t understand is why we continue to have a debate about wearing masks and equating it to personal freedom . Is this really what is so important to all here ? Are we really the only country in the world that makes this political and debates the efficacy of masks ?

Is wearing one really that bad while you’re in public while this pandemic continues ? Breathing CO2 is toxic and will hurt you ? It’s my right to not wear one ? Sure stay home then and stop spreading the virus to others . Conflating personal freedom with slight inconvenience (seatbelts) .

I get wanting to reopen businesses and govt mandates to close are crushing our economy but not wearing masks just exacerbates the virus and makes all of that worse . This isn’t some hoax to make orange man look bad .. numbers are bad across both red and blue states .

Bolsonaro caught the virus . So did Herman Cain . Trump is wearing a mask. What are we talking about here ??

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This fucking Corona shit makes me hate the human race more and more. The fact that people are so fucking brainwashed and naive and unable to make their own education opinions is just plain sad.

Here are some real numbers. No articles. Make your own fucking conclusion. I’m not wearing a god damn mask and I’m not going to be scared for the rest of my life over this bullshit.

90% over people who died from rona had underlying conditions.

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Just in case you were talking about underlying conditions affecting hospitalizations for that stat...

It’s not old people who are already dying of other illness . What the study refers to is underlying causes like obesity and hypertension which are rampant in the US . Everyone still feel so safe ? Sure this group isn’t susceptible at all *eyeroll*


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California is giving free tests and if you donate blood they’ll let you know if you have the antibodies. It’s not surprising we have more cases. It takes two weeks to even get in for a test.

My one employees wife has it, no symptoms. They have been tested several times in the last couple months.

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When I was much younger, seat belts were optional. Then one day, the government made it mandatory by law to wear them while driving. I resisted, thinking it it should be my sole decision whether I should wear them...if I wanted to risk my own life by not wearing one, that should be my right. Eventually I understood the science behind wearing seat belts...they did save lives, hundred of thousands of them, and eventually I wore them every time.

I see wearing masks today in this same light

Not exactly. The government made it a law with a penalty of a fine if you chose not to wear one. The choice is still one you are free to make and really, failure to wear a seat belt would only harm you. Same is true of helmet laws only, there are still plenty of states that don't require them. If anything, the speed limit might have been a better example to use being that driving too fast could potentially hurt or kill others. But of course, you would never drive faster than the speed limit.
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