This will be my last post here as sometimes the shoe just doesn't fit

Kind of lost me there boss. Being that I pay for this website to exist, it really is my world. If you want to promote your videos or direct people to your Facebook page, please do it on YOUR website.
That is exactly verbatim of what I said.... no reason to get lost as I was agreeing with you. its your website your rules
Kind of lost me there boss. Being that I pay for this website to exist, it really is my world. If you want to promote your videos or direct people to your Facebook page, please do it on YOUR website.

^^^This. I finally figured something out here. In my short time here at WAL, I have seen numerous people lose their shit for breaking the rules. Didn't make sense to me at first. But this is what it boils down to. Eddie created this site, he gets to do whatever the hell he wants. Period. So even if some troll doesn't understand the rules or doesn't think it's a 'big deal' then who cares.. rules are still rules. People get all butt-hurt when they're called out and act like crybabies because they don't like the rules. Guess, what, don't like it, then go somewhere else. It's like telling your kids to pick up their fricken toys. When they ask why, you respond 'doesn't matter why. My house, my rules.' Simple as that. So many people aren't in agreement with the rules here, then go ape shit because of it.

You got caught being a dumbass and I called you on it early on. You are a fucker so of course, I will take the blame.

^^And this guy, Overlander. There are times I think he is too short with people from the get go, but you yeticon, are a perfect example of Overlander just doing his job. He called you out from the beginning and is right: You've clearly got other agenda going on here.
^^^This. I finally figured something out here. In my short time here at WAL, I have seen numerous people lose their shit for breaking the rules. Didn't make sense to me at first. But this is what it boils down to. Eddie created this site, he gets to do whatever the hell he wants. Period. So even if some troll doesn't understand the rules or doesn't think it's a 'big deal' then who cares.. rules are still rules. People get all butt-hurt when they're called out and act like crybabies because they don't like the rules. Guess, what, don't like it, then go somewhere else. It's like telling your kids to pick up their fricken toys. When they ask why, you respond 'doesn't matter why. My house, my rules.' Simple as that. So many people aren't in agreement with the rules here, then go ape shit because of it.

^^And this guy, Overlander. There are times I think he is too short with people from the get go, but you yeticon, are a perfect example of Overlander just doing his job. He called you out from the beginning and is right: You've clearly got other agenda going on here.

Dude you are so late to the game... You brining up shit that was solved days ago. if your coming to a party at least get there on time! Ive already acknowledged to eddie my errors and now you just want to come in and stir the pot a little more.. I think they call that being a troll but its your life.

and Im not buying your " overlander is a heavy handed moderator" Let me raise the Bullshit flag on you WJCO as you are a follower who empowers assholes like Overlander. In the end you all are just hurting yourselves.,
Valley of The Moons run Jacumba

Dude you are so late to the game... You brining up shit that was solved days ago. if your coming to a party at least get there on time! Ive already acknowledged to eddie my errors and now you just want to come in and stir the pot a little more.. I think they call that being a troll but its your life.

and Im not buying your " overlander is a heavy handed moderator" Let me raise the Bullshit flag on you WJCO as you are a follower who empowers assholes like Overlander. In the end you all are just hurting yourselves.,

If I was heavy handed I would have banned your ass a while ago. I called you a fucker. You are a fucker. Not hard to comprehend.
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If I was heavy handed I would have banded your ass a while ago. I called you a fucker. You are a fucker. Not hard to comprehend.
band away as you know I have an agenda. I am here to take over this forum and steal your cookies LOL. You dont have to ban people to be considered a heavy handed moderator. Your an asshole and a lot of people here agree with me. Your the reason this forum has such a bad reputation. I have heard the stories from many others. yep pat your self on the back as you are doing a great job.
Dude you are so late to the game... You brining up shit that was solved days ago. if your coming to a party at least get there on time! Ive already acknowledged to eddie my errors and now you just want to come in and stir the pot a little more.. I think they call that being a troll but its your life.

and Im not buying your " overlander is a heavy handed moderator" Let me raise the Bullshit flag on you WJCO as you are a follower who empowers assholes like Overlander. In the end you all are just hurting yourselves.,

Cool story bro.

band away as you know I have an agenda.......Your an asshole and a lot of people here agree with me. Your the reason this forum has such a bad reputation. I have heard the stories from many others. .

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There we go. Finally you came out and said it. You've heard of this place before by 'reputation.' And you know who Overlander is.............shock of all shocks. We had no idea........what a surprise...
Cool story bro.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There we go. Finally you came out and said it. You've heard of this place before by 'reputation.' And you know who Overlander is.............shock of all shocks. We had no idea........what a surprise...
I did not know overlander before coming here but since I have been here others have told me their stories and run ins with overlander. stir the pot a little more WJCO
I did not know overlander before coming here but since I have been here others have told me their stories and run ins with overlander. stir the pot a little more WJCO

I don't believe you, but doesn't matter. I'll come right out and be transparent for everyone to see. Overlander gave me shit on my first day too, and it was my fault. Truthfully, he pissed me right off. And I'm the black sheep here, don't even own a Wrangler. But you know what, I hung around long enough and like this place, and Overlander truly sticks up for this place, he's consistent. He calls it what it is, no bullshit. I don't give a shit about the reputation from the haters. The people here are cool and take pride in their builds and enjoy jeeping and helping others and try to save people from making mistakes. I enjoy this place. I don't know who you are or anything about you and don't really care. But as far as stirring the pot, you seem to be the one who wants to do that here.
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