2007blackJk - I'm not known for starting shit on any forum

Nobody is infallible. It takes some stones to admit when you are wrong. You showed those stones and that is enough for me. Just be forewarned, there are no third chances in my book.
wow, this is like a real thing huh? people come here to intentionally get banned to give them street cred??? your life must be awesome...


Come here to get banned and like to flip people off on the highway with the wayalife decal! JKO people are the kids the peaked in high school still living that last football game!
If I've ever seen a qualified response..... You sure qualified that one with the "on this forum."

Fact is you did talk shit, you did say your intentions here were nefarious and those will not go away. Like I said you will be met with resistance given the way you portrayed yourself as two different people.

nefarious. excellent word. you arent military by chance are you?

Hey 2007blackJk, kjeeper10 or who ever the hell you are. Are things really so dead over on JKO that you have to spend so much of your time here now? I mean seriously, being that the information there is so much better, why do us all a favor and spend more of your time there.
I didn't know if I should post this up on this old thread...or on the Hate WAL thread...but I just did a google search for write-ups and pics on the EVO LA kit install...when I came across a thread that I found interesting. A moderators name, obviously bashing WAL and EVO, came up and it sounded familiar. Did another google search and realized this thread, and a few others are why I recognized the name...

Meh...I'm not known for starting shit on any forum.

These posts say otherwise...



Actions speaks louder then words.
You want see much of me here anyways...maybe a question here and there. Just wanted to clear the air.... Couldn't just vanished in thin air, which is prob what most wanted lol
honestly, what went down is not the type of person i am.

The posts above prove that this is EXACTLY the type of person you are...trolling rather than providing members of a forum you are a moderator on advice. How did your posts above help any of them?

Guys, just to be clear. There's no evil plan here. Ban me now ... I'm not going to go back to JKO and blast WAL.
I'm done ... Finished with this childish (on my part) BS.
I'm clearing the air. Fully understand I made enemy's.
Like I said ... No plans. Not even going to try and be a "part of the community"
Bridges are burned. Take my apology however you please.

not going to go to JKO to talk shit, because you are going to go to WF where you are a moderator. :grayno:

....And I will leave.

clearly not

Guys, just to be clear. There's no evil plan here. Ban me now ... I'm not going to go back to JKO and blast WAL.
I'm done ... Finished with this childish (on my part) BS.
I'm clearing the air. Fully understand I made enemy's.
Like I said ... No plans. Not even going to try and be a "part of the community"
Bridges are burned. Take my apology however you please.... And I will leave.

You are a liar..
Oh I was wondering when one of these was going to pop up again. Also the EVO kit is not touched by Jesus that's news to me.
LOL!! He's a moderator with 40,000 posts on Wrangler Forum and yet wanted to be a part of my puny forum? :cheesy:

Did any of you catch the part where he was talking shit to our self-righteous buddy veganjeeper? Look at the guy's blog :crazyeyes:
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