Exploration of the Nightingale Mountains

You got that right! Unfortunately my wife wants no part of 'wheelin' or 'offroad adventures'.

Happy Birthday, Cindy. That's an excellent way to enjoy your birthday. Killer photos as usual.

Are those trails mapped or do you just drive along and plot breadcrumbs on the GPS?

It's possible that there are maps out there somewhere but when we do a trip like this, we just pick an area that we want to explore and then just go. In the end, the trip could take an hour or two but more times than not, we're out on the trail well into the night. It's hard to turn back toward pavement when there's still some light out :crazyeyes:

What an amazing adventure! We can't wait to get out there someday! :D

Honestly, you and Steph would love it out there!
Wow! That coral stuff was so awesome looking! It was great to learn how it was formed! Adventures like this are ones I wish I could do myself out east where you can explore but also have some obstacles you need to work around. I'm glad you two had a fun adventure and thanks for posting the great scenery! Happy birthday Cindy!!!!!!
As usual, awesome job!:thumb: I do have a few questions: (1) Any idea what put the hole in the back of the bus door? (2) Do you have cell service or a way to contact anyone in case of a mechanical issue? And finally, with all these trips in the desert, have you had any close calls with rattlesnakes?:eek:
LOL!! I'm glad that you're able to see all the wonderful things in our pics beyond our Jeep :thumb:

You known if you used just a bit more light and set the aperture on your iPhone for a longer exposure, your photos could look as badass as some self-proclaimed photography experts on here..... Just sayin.
OMG! these photos are amazing! That area looks soo pretty! Man i wish i lived out west! Happy belated birthday Cindy!! Hope you had a good one! :thumb:
Beautiful pics, Beautiful Place! Happy late birthday to you Cindy!

As always Eddie, thanks for sharing! :thumb:
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