Issues moving up to 35's

More times than not I am right. Go ahead and do it the way superchips says and your speedo will be off.

Oh and if you really still don't believe me go ahead and search and you'll see a thread about this from a while back to prove I am right.

Cheers to you fucker.

No need for vulgarity, you're such an angry little man. I followed the directions and my speedo is dead on. I can only speak for my experience with superchips. Maybe other calibration device companies are different.:idontknow:
Superchips flachcal says otherwise. Overlander isn't always right.

May I suggest then that one of you call superchips and tell them they have it all wrong.

I am sorry to say that Superchips IS WRONG and OverlanderJK IS RIGHT on this one. It is sad to think that a company wouldn't know how to use their own product but in this case, Superchips doesn't and I have told them as much. In the end, your speed sensor only cares about the "radius" of your wheels and NOT the "diameter". Unfortunately, the programmer only wants to know what the "diameter" is and that's why you take the radius and multiply it by 2.
No need for vulgarity, you're such an angry little man. I followed the directions and my speedo is dead on. I can only speak for my experience with superchips. Maybe other calibration device companies are different.:idontknow:

IF you measured from the ground to the edge of your tire's shoulder, the point where the sidewall makes a 90° turn to become the tread, your calibration will be on enough to give you an accurate reading. IF you measured to the highest point of your tire's treads (somewhere in the middle) as is instructed, you WILL have a speedometer that is slightly off. I have tested just about EVERY SINGLE calibration device out there and this is true with them all.
Even from an intuitive perspective, this method doesn't make sense. These instructions were clearely written by the marketing department and NOT someone who has an understanding of basic mechanics...

This is 100% ACCURATE. If the instructions that came with Jeep products were any good, WAYALIFE would not exist today. I have gotten to where I am now because of the write-ups I have been doing over the last 20 years and of which MOST correct the mistakes made by manufacturers and/or provide information that they didn't even bother to include.
No need for vulgarity, you're such an angry little man. I followed the directions and my speedo is dead on. I can only speak for my experience with superchips. Maybe other calibration device companies are different.:idontknow:

How did you verify your Speedo is dead on?
How did you verify your Speedo is dead on?

Most likely with a GPS as so many people claim to use. Of course, this would NOT give you a "dead on" accurate reading. Hell, all you have to do is turn on any GPS, stand still and see how fast you're moving. I have yet to see a single one give a ZERO reading like it should.
iPhone speedometer app.

As in, the GPS in your phone.

Also, the electronic speed limit signs on the highway.

This would be more legitimate but still prone to error if there are other vehicles around you and because you can only get a reading for a brief period of time. Have you had someone in a regular unmodified car pace you - both with your cruise control set? If not, try that and see what you get.

Granted, if you're dialed in "close enough", I suppose it really doesn't matter.
Most likely with a GPS as so many people claim to use. Of course, this would NOT give you a "dead on" accurate reading. Hell, all you have to do is turn on any GPS, stand still and see how fast you're moving. I have yet to see a single one give a ZERO reading like it should.

Eddie, what's the best way to know if your speedo is right on? Because if mine is off I want to get it set right.
As in, the GPS in your phone.

This would be more legitimate but still prone to error if there are other vehicles around you and because you can only get a reading for a brief period of time. Have you had someone in a regular unmodified car pace you - both with your cruise control set? If not, try that and see what you get.

Ok, I'll try that. Thanks. My apologies to Overlander and his worldly knowledge. I still think he's angry though.
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks. My apologies to Overlander and his worldly knowledge. I still think he's angry though.

No need to apologize to me. Just trying to keep things real. Again, your speed is determined by a speed sensor that takes a reading from a tone ring. The only thing it cares about is the radius from the center of your wheel to the ground. Typically, if you multiply this by 2, you will get a SHORTER reading than you would IF you measured to the top of your tread - sometimes by as much as 1/2". As you know, your Flashcal will accept measurements up to 1/4". Of course, if you were off by just a bit in your measurement, you could have entered in a reading that was "close enough" to get you a speedometer that is "pretty close" to dead on.
Would a manual transmission benefit from a Procal or Flashcards in terms of gear shifting by giving proper fuel by acceleration. After I went to 34", I notice the jeep going to what I consider limp mode with the manual transmission sometimes when climbing a hill.
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