Largest tire size for Dana 30

Just got to say, I have wheeled my 30 all over the country and it does surprise me at times. I do run 37s but I have a 4 banger so I am able to get away with it. With my new 6.0 I am going to a rock jock 60 that I've built . I don't care about this to much, it just makes me laugh we someone says you can't do something that I have done for years.
Just got to say, I have wheeled my 30 all over the country and it does surprise me at times. I do run 37s but I have a 4 banger so I am able to get away with it. With my new 6.0 I am going to a rock jock 60 that I've built . I don't care about this to much, it just makes me laugh we someone says you can't do something that I have done for years.

Never said you can't do it, just that you have a different idea of what it means to wheel your Jeep hard.
Just got to say, I have wheeled my 30 all over the country and it does surprise me at times. I do run 37s but I have a 4 banger so I am able to get away with it. With my new 6.0 I am going to a rock jock 60 that I've built . I don't care about this to much, it just makes me laugh we someone says you can't do something that I have done for years.

I daily drove a yj with a four banger, 4.10s, 35s and lockers. While wheeling it on the weekends, I broke a lot axle shafts in the Dana 30 front. More shafts up front than in the Dana 35. Broke rear ones all the time too though. I was broke so I kept getting factory shafts, they were usually free and got me back on the road quick for drivin to work on Monday.

My wheeling wasn't all that hard either. And it's not like I had a lot of horsepower or torque in the little 4 banger.
I know you never said I it could not be done. I did the upgrades with cromo shafts. It's has taken me the last 3 years to rebuild my yj. At this point the only thing stock left is body,frame,and that 30,that is being replaced. I'm not going to make myself sound like a kook by talking about where all I've wheeled,& how hard I do it,just the fact that a $1000 in upgrades has served me well. I've got $5000 in my soon to be new front axle and I'm looking forward to it. It would be wrong of me not to stand up for the under dog and thank my little 30 for the last 7 yearsImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1428761574.378663.jpg
Well you should be fine if you upgrade to 37s, and downgrade to a d30. Or if that doesn't work just downgrade to 37's and upgrade to a d30, and that should take care of it. Hahaha. You can ask 10 people and get 10 different answers on this. It's all circumstantial. But if you plan on replacing you axels then I say run how you want. When they break there's you excuse for the upgrade.
Just got to say, I have wheeled my 30 all over the country and it does surprise me at times. I do run 37s but I have a 4 banger so I am able to get away with it. With my new 6.0 I am going to a rock jock 60 that I've built . I don't care about this to much, it just makes me laugh we someone says you can't do something that I have done for years.

A YJ is not a JK. You cannot compare the two.
I know you never said I it could not be done. I did the upgrades with cromo shafts. It's has taken me the last 3 years to rebuild my yj. At this point the only thing stock left is body,frame,and that 30,that is being replaced. I'm not going to make myself sound like a kook by talking about where all I've wheeled,& how hard I do it,just the fact that a $1000 in upgrades has served me well. I've got $5000 in my soon to be new front axle and I'm looking forward to it. It would be wrong of me not to stand up for the under dog and thank my little 30 for the last 7 yearsView attachment 136617

Missed the part where you said this was on a YJ before. Unlike a jK, it is much lighter and that'll make a difference too
I know, somehow things get lost in translation . I was only speaking a 30 and knew that yjs are very light and have been able to get away with it. It's funny caus in my jk it the 44 in the front is more likely to fail. I promise I never gave any advice about keeping a 30 I was only talking about my own luck.
I know, somehow things get lost in translation . I was only speaking a 30 and knew that yjs are very light and have been able to get away with it. It's funny caus in my jk it the 44 in the front is more likely to fail. I promise I never gave any advice about keeping a 30 I was only talking about my own luck.

But your luck has nothing to do with a JK. You have a YJ and this is in the JK subforum.
No problem, I'll make sure to only talk about my jk and not my red headed step child.😃 I guess I thought we were talking about a Dana 30 and did not realize it only applied under a jk. By the way I did respond back to you when you came up to me at city market in the rancho jk. I just have not figure out how to get back to s responce directly yet. Ive only been on here a few weeks so far.
I know, somehow things get lost in translation . I was only speaking a 30 and knew that yjs are very light and have been able to get away with it. It's funny caus in my jk it the 44 in the front is more likely to fail. I promise I never gave any advice about keeping a 30 I was only talking about my own luck.

It's a very common mis understanding. The d30 really was a good axle for the YJ/Tj, and people want to stand up for them. All the way back in post #18- someone was talking about running 35s and being fine. They had a Tj. You're not alone.
No problem, I'll make sure to only talk about my jk and not my red headed step child.😃 I guess I thought we were talking about a Dana 30 and did not realize it only applied under a jk. By the way I did respond back to you when you came up to me at city market in the rancho jk. I just have not figure out how to get back to s responce directly yet. Ive only been on here a few weeks so far.

That wasn't me who came up to you. That was Greg. Lol i was standing nearby.
Thanks for the spirited discussion!

Soooo...back to the original question. 33s on a Dana 30 for a daily driver with flat land mud being the wheeling of choice and a plush ride lift for at least a couple of years. No problem, big problem or the biggest of problems?
Thanks for the spirited discussion!

Soooo...back to the original question. 33s on a Dana 30 for a daily driver with flat land mud being the wheeling of choice and a plush ride lift for at least a couple of years. No problem, big problem or the biggest of problems?

Basically didn't think that the "wheeling the shit out of" term would get this much attention but we all learn from our mistakes lol

It's ok, at 19 everything you do seems extreme. No one here is truly beating you up. Its cool you are building up your rig as you can afford it. :thumb:
Thanks for the spirited discussion!

Soooo...back to the original question. 33s on a Dana 30 for a daily driver with flat land mud being the wheeling of choice and a plush ride lift for at least a couple of years. No problem, big problem or the biggest of problems?

I would think with those factors you should be fine. Throw some c-gussets on it, and have fun.

Still depend how hard you play. If you buried that axle in thick mud and tried something dumb to get out, you just might break it. But with 33s, you'll probably be just fine.
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