Mojave Cross Desert Camping Trip - Novemeber 17th

Can we have a you want us all to bring wood?

please see last item on the list

What You Will Need:
• As mentioned, this will be an easy trip and there will be no minimum vehicle requirements.
• A CB radio is highly recommended but, not required.
• It will be cold - REALLY COLD at night and so you will NEED to pack accordingly. Make sure to bring enough warm cloths, a tent and a sleeping bag is rated low enough to keep you comfortable all night long.
• Make sure to bring a good pair of boots.
• Even though it won't be hot out, you need to make sure to pack plenty of water for you and your passengers. This is still the desert and the rule of thumb is 1 gallon of water per person per day.
• You also need to pack enough food for you and your passengers as you will need to feed yourselves. Also, pack snacks and be prepaired to munch while driving - this is a big group and I can't always guarantee when we'll be stopping for lunch.
• You NEED to be prepaired to pack out what you pack in. There are no trash facilities anywhere along the trail and you are responsible for hauling everything back out with you.
• You NEED to be prepaired to dig holes and bury your shit. There are no toilets on this trip and there's nothing worse than people leaving shit and shit-stained streamers of toilet paper flying through the desert.
Again, it will be cold at night and everyone is REQUIRED to bring a bundle of wood.

Regretably, my wife and I need to bug out of the trip. We are both bummed but had a few unexpected episodes last weekend that blew up some drop dead things that needed to get done so we could play this weekend, all fell apart. So, if there is someone looking to get onto the trip our spot is now open.

Will keep our eyes open for a future opportunity, I am certain the group will have a blast.
Regretably, my wife and I need to bug out of the trip. We are both bummed but had a few unexpected episodes last weekend that blew up some drop dead things that needed to get done so we could play this weekend, all fell apart. So, if there is someone looking to get onto the trip our spot is now open.

Will keep our eyes open for a future opportunity, I am certain the group will have a blast.

I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to make it.
Wish I could make it. Might be a good way to get my feet wet (dry?) in the 4 wheeling world. Have fun, maybe next time....
I'm going to have to cancel going out with you all. I was just told I need to work the next couple of weekends. Next time for sure! :grayno: Such a sad day...
GMIV said:
I'm going to have to cancel going out with you all. I was just told I need to work the next couple of weekends. Next time for sure! :grayno: Such a sad day...

Sounds like you work for this guy...


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With reluctance, although my Jeep is packed and ready to go, I must bow out of this trip. :rolleyes2:

I've been fighting a persistent cold and cough :icon_crazy: and it doesn't like seem it will be better by Saturday. I surely don't want to spread my germs to anyone.

So, have a great time everyone and I'll catch you on the next one.

J. R.
Well, now that the group is a bit smaller, I might have to throw in more trail time and/or add a couple more stops along the way. :yup:
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