Rant ahead: I'm sick of people like Biden, Kamala, the bushes, the obamas, the clintons, many in congress, etc. All these people that claim to be leaders and protectors of our liberty but fuck over our liberties every chance they get. Although I'm not a 'trump supporter,' I can honestly say that he's probably the first president I've seen since Reagan that actually seems to show regard for freedom and liberty. He's far from perfect and there's many things about him I don't like but I can certainly see why so many people love him and are there today. Biden's already talking about things like major financial rape of the people and a nationwide mask mandate among with other things. Biden's just another guy that people like me are sick of seeing in government. Not to mention the guy can't even read or form a sentence and he disgusts me the way he touches kids. I think if Biden wasn't just another system scumbag, we'd have far less people protesting the election there today. With that being said, I do find it very hard to believe that Biden legitimately won. I have a few friends that are very liberal that said they wouldn't vote for Biden, I've seen less than ten real life Biden/Harris signs or stickers ever, the support at his rallies were ghost towns, whereas Trump...His rallies were packed, his signs are everywhere, I still see his signs everywhere. I really do find it hard to believe that 70 million people would vote for Biden. I really think what happened today was that the American People are showing how tired they are of getting fucked.
I completely agree with you on this
I really want to respond to this thread but I have no intelligent words for any of this. I may just go have a stroke instead I’m so fucking worked up. I have so many things going through my head right now. I really want to apologize to my daughter for bringing her into this fucked up shit show of a country, I hate so much about it right now. Every generation wants their kids to have it better than they did, well I think we fucked our kids out of that too. I could go on but I know I’m not making any sense so I won’t
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I can relate... it’s all frustrating and saddening to see what kind of world we are bringing our kids into. My daughter isn’t even here yet and hopefully it will get better before she grows up.