Rear bumpers !

2012djk said:
Is there a way to run a rear bumper with the EVO carrier or not at all?

Oh yeah, lots of folks do. I know a few who are running the EVO carrier with an Lod bumper
Oh yeah, lots of folks do. I know a few who are running the EVO carrier with an Lod bumper

Cool. I don't think I have seen pictures of it so I wasn't sure. I love the design of there's the best but want a rear bumper. (long ways away from buying that but whatever :icon_crazy:)
Cool. I don't think I have seen pictures of it so I wasn't sure. I love the design of there's the best but want a rear bumper. (long ways away from buying that but whatever :icon_crazy:)

Powerline Patrol is running the EVO tire carrier with an Lod Bumper :yup: Here is a pic...

wow, that is an awesome red jeep...are there any pictures of the front of the jeep? I'd like to check out the Evo front fenders.
FAWK! I want a 4 door so bad! Epic fail on my part for buying a 2.

Dude It's not an Epic fail on your part! Just consider the 2 door your "learner"

Now you have an excuse to buy another jeep later and make it more badass then your first :rock:
well, we don't run one now but, i really liked the LoD stubby we used to have :yup:

Why don't you run a rear bumper? and I would like to see pics of your current "no rear bumper" set up as I am thinking of running the rear naked.
Just don't know what it will look like. I really don't feel like spending the money on a rear bumper when it could be spent elsewhere.
My factory rear bumper is looking really beat up and needs to go.
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