Thanks to our female member Army_Vet

A BIG THANX THANX and THANX to you ladies that served and those currently serving :standing wave::2thumbsup:
I'm not going to pick apart your post, or get into further back and forth with you. The ONLY reason I am posting is to clarify for the record the exact back and forth that happened between you and me in the Drama Drama Drama thread. What follows are, I believe, the only posts that I made in that thread. My first comment was not directed at you, nor did it quote anything you said. I'll leave it up to everyone else to decide for themselves who started a fight with whom...or who was the "Shark" in the attack.

Read this thread from beginning to end and one thing comes to mind. It's a two step write-up that I haven't seen in quite some time.

Step One: take left hand, cup testicles, lift testicles as high as possible.

Step Two: take right hand, reach below lifted testicles, slap vagina several times.

Seriously, this whole thread is a downer. Oh, and for the record, I've never chased an ambulance in my life. If I did, I'd probably be rich and have a Jeep. Nope, I actually work hard for my money. ;)

Or here is an Idea. We can voice an opinion, try and change things to the way they should be. Along the way enduring uncalled for references that we "complainers" have a vagina... as if having a vagina is a bad thing. Seems a few here are making the inference that somehow we are less of a person if you don't like being talked down to.

for those who have implied this: Are you less of a person if you did have a vagina? I just want to get your stance on the subject on the record

Hmm. Not sure if this was directed at me, but I'll answer. Of course you aren't less of a person if you have a vagina. Women are every bit as welcome on this forum as anyone else.

As a general statement though, women tend to be more sensitive than men. They also tend to approach situations with more empathy and emotion than men. It's all part of most women being more maternal than most men. Are these generalizations? Absolutely. So what? Do some men exhibit these same traits? Absolutely. So what? You don't have to have a vagina to be empathetic and emotional.

As far as I can tell, no one has seriously implied that anyone else has a vagina. What they have implied is that some people are being way too sensitive about things that get said by strangers on an Internet forum.

Well if there is nothing wrong with sensitivity; why call it out in the poor manner that you did?

Sorry, you are correct. Even though my comment was directed at EVERYONE in this thread for taking themselves way too seriously and getting their feelings hurt too easily, it was wrong for me to say something that might be offensive to anyone who truly does have a vagina. There is nothing wrong with sensitivity. But, like anything in life, situational appropriateness is everything.

I am truly sorry I offended you and your vagina.

^^^^^^ and this is situationally appropriate?

Actually, I'm hard pressed to think of a comment more situationally appropriate.

I don't believe I participated in the thread after that point.
And that leads us to this thread. So I appealed to Eddie and asked if he would do something about this open harassment. I said if he chose not to I would respect his decision and just live with it, and find a way to ignore it. He gave me some great advice and I thanked him for his time.

You can't really be a part of a community if you'd rather try and ignore it, than to work with it.

His advice was to apologize for issuing an ultimatum that I could not live up to.

Your pride is yours to embrace.

It is with a heavy heart I will log out of Wayalife, I have found good friends here and I will miss chatting with you guys.

Running away from your problems is your choice to make.

For you personally Eddie I jumped to your defense at every skirmish you had. Did you need me too? No. Did you want me to? Most likely didn't matter to you. And that is fine, I did it because I wanted to. I did it out of a sense of loyalty, and In every case you were right. I supported every decision you made here because it is just the right thing to do. All I asked was for a little help in your forum and said I would support your decision not to help.

But I did offer my help. You just can't get over your pride and do what is really needed to be a part of a true community.

I hope you get the impression that I am not intending to get in any fights here; I am not looking for any flaming back and forth, and I hope that anyone that wishes to "dissect and flame" sees this for what it is. Just a classy way to say goodbye.

A classy way to say goodbye would be to just say "goodbye".
I'm really not sure if that was the true intention on this thread. It seemed more of just a joke.
That said I hope my daughter in law doesn't become one that gave all.

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Hey Army_Vet, being that you've said your "goodbye", how about you leave already. There is a thing called "email" and trust me, it works just as good as our PM system if not better. :naw:

Army_Vet, you my friend are shameless...



You said you were going so go already. If you're here just to use our PM system, I will take that away from you now.
Are you seeking a Peak Army

He can still see the forum just fine, he just can't use his PM function anymore.

See he IS a man of his word. Ish. With some help. Technically.

To be clear, I've never had any problems with him and simply can't understand why he would allow everything to escalate to the level that it has. NONE of this had to happen and I am sick and tired of his empty threats, his constant saying he's leaving and then not, him wanting me to be some kind of babysitter just because he's "defended" me in the past and I'm especially tired of all the drama. If he really wants to leave, LEAVE! If he can't do that, I'm happy to help him along.
So I did. He changed it back to normal the other day. I just noticed it. He also said one of the mods are probably changing the time for his log on because he hasn't been on since he made his last post. I guess to make it look bad.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
He also said one of the mods are probably changing the time for his log on because he hasn't been on since he made his last post. I guess to make it look bad.

What exactly would be the purpose of this? :thinking: I don't think the "mods" really would take the time to do this. I mean really.
So I did. He changed it back to normal the other day. I just noticed it. He also said one of the mods are probably changing the time for his log on because he hasn't been on since he made his last post. I guess to make it look bad.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app

I don't doubt that's what he told you, I REALLY doubt that's what happened.
But then is his word really truthful lately?
He is is own worst enemy.

He has antagonized me plenty of times here and on PMs - just can't figure him out.
What exactly would be the purpose of this? :thinking: I don't think the "mods" really would take the time to do this. I mean really.

Correct. I have many more things in the day to do besides this. Not possible anyway.
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