The Adventures of Fiona - '08 JK Rubicon 2-Door

Just spent some time updating the first post to reflect Fiona's build. Damn, it's taken 2.5 years, but the planned upgrades list is almost empty.

The bad news is that the items left cost more than I paid for her! 🤪

The good news is, other than maintenance and (God forbid) repairs, I'm pretty much done spending money on getting her where I envisioned. Now, I'm not saying the build is done (it never is, right?) but this is the first Black Friday in two years that I'm not planning on spending any money on.

That said, I'm really happy with everything I've done to her and all the mods have really turned her into a beast that I am having a lot of fun with on the trails and on the road. Thanks to all of you here that have supported my addiction... Without y'all Fiona wouldn't be what she is today! 🍻

Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona -

That's pretty Cool James.... we joined WAL about the same time and it's been fun watching you build her up.... and following her on the Trail. She's become quite the Beast. :beer:
Looks good. Good luck with the future mods as well.
Thanks! Hopefully I won't be "forced" into the last ones on the list any time soon. Still have some little things that aren't on the list, but nothing major.

Sweet Avatar pic man!
Thanks. My daughter snapped it on our Rubicon trip and I liked it a lot. 🍻

that's one very nice 2 door. good work :thumb:
Thank you!

Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona -
Looking good James.

Great new avatar pic. I didn't notice at first until someone else mentioned it.

By the 8th, I will be in drastic need for my therapy session.

My new project is kicking my ass.
I have recently picked up a 2 dr and your thread has inspired me man. Great looking rig and awesome thread.
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