The Kraken thread

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I have 88 pages on my thread and over 1K in posts. I do not bash any site.

Nah, you'll just insinuate that you'll get banned from here for talking about building up an axle.


Why not do us all a favor and spend more of your time posting up over on JKO. At least there you won't have any fears of getting "banned" :naw:
But to answer your question. Because I have made some good friends on this site and enjoy talking to them and reading some of the post.
But to answer your question. Because I have made some good friends on this site and enjoy talking to them and reading some of the post.

Then maybe you shouldn't go around talking smack about the place where you met these good friends and where they make the posts you like to read.
I don't understand why all the hostility on me after I ask a question.

Perhaps it has something to do with you taking shots at this forum elsewhere.

And I don't understand why you would go around talking smack about this forum over on JKO. Don't like it here - don't have to be here.


I imagine there are many members who frequent multiple forums. While that isn't for me, it is certainly their choice to do so and it's none of my business. When they start bad mouthing my home on other forums, however, it becomes my business. Sorry, but don't expect the warm and fuzzies from me once you act like cool guy over on JKO by claiming you were going to get banned over here.
Perhaps it has something to do with you taking shots at this forum elsewhere.


I imagine there are many members who frequent multiple forums. While that isn't for me, it is certainly their choice to do so and it's none of my business. When they start bad mouthing my home on other forums, however, it becomes my business. Sorry, but don't expect the warm and fuzzies from me once you act like cool guy over on JKO by claiming you were going to get banned over here.

The internet requires no balls with no repercussion for ones actions, so why not?
guess you have been drinking the JKO :koolaid: for hating on this forum for no reason :crazyeyes:
I Do not feel that I talked any smack about this site on JKO. Only stated what I was told by a friend. and agreed to the fact that I have witnessed forum members and mods jumping all over someone for something small. I feel that you guys are so use to defending yourselves against people that you may take some things out of context.

I have even PM'ed Eddie in the past thanking him for the work that Cindy and Him do, they bring a lot of people into the jeep world with there Videos.

I will continue to post up on my thread, and to this site.

Does this mean you have some picture updates on the axle build? How has the progress been going?

I was suppose to get started on burning them together this last weekend. Went to big bear, Ca instead (family outing). This next weekend I will be in Moab for the week. I get back next Friday and will start working on them Saturday.
I Do not feel that I talked any smack about this site on JKO.

Oh, I'm sure you don't. :rolleyes2:

Only stated what I was told by a friend.

Didn't realize that you were made to state what were "told by a friend". :naw:

and agreed to the fact that I have witnessed forum members and mods jumping all over someone for something small.

To be clear, that's just your opinion and one that you made sure to express on a forum that you know is openly hostile toward this one and just to be cool.

I feel that you guys are so use to defending yourselves against people that you may take some things out of context.

I think that real men stand up for what they feel and say as much directly to the persons in question instead of behind their backs.

I have even PM'ed Eddie in the past thanking him for the work that Cindy and Him do, they bring a lot of people into the jeep world with there Videos.

And that's all the more reason why I was surprised to see you engaged in a negative discussion regarding this forum over on JKO. I know it may be hard for you to do but try, for just a moment and imagine what that makes you look like to me.

I will continue to post up on my thread, and to this site.

You make that sound like you have a choice in the matter. May I remind you that you are a "guest" here on "MY" forum and unless you can find it within yourself to own up to what you did, your welcome here will be over.
I think that real men stand up for what they feel and say as much directly to the persons in question instead of behind their backs.

I did not say anything behind your back. It is an open forum for all to read.

And that's all the more reason why I was surprised to see you engaged in a negative discussion regarding this forum over on JKO. I know it may be hard for you to do but try, for just a moment and imagine what that makes you look like to me.

It is not hard for me to look at it the way you are asking me to. but have you looked at it from my point of view. Why did you not bring all this up before?

You make that sound like you have a choice in the matter. May I remind you that you are a "guest" here on "MY" forum and unless you can find it within yourself to own up to what you did, your welcome here will be over.

This is YOUR forum. and I do appreciate you having it here for people to engage in talk about jeeps. How long my stay is, IS up to you and your discretion. I truly understand that.

What do you want me to do to clear all this up?
Why did you delete your "you mad bro" comment? I never got around to asking who that was directed towards..
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