What happened guys?


New member
Alright- I know how this "could" turn out, and most of the time does- but that's not what I'm going for here.
I love this forum- it's the only forum that I am on, and I have met a lot of great people from it. There is good information, and good people. I like Eddie and Cindy, and have no intention of leaving.

I've had several friends lately who have just given up on wal, and I don't like that. Long term, super active members, who have just decided they've had enough- and why don't people say something instead of just leaving? -because anyone who says one thing like this is immediately turned on and roasted.

I'm not trying to be roasted, I'm not emotionally worked up about this like some will likely say, my panties aren't in a bunch, I'm not going to say bad things about anyone, and I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. To be perfectly honest- as of lately, when people ask me about the decals on the jeep, or the wal shirt I'm wearing- I have to give a disclaimer about "they really are a great group of guys- very helpful, just be careful what you say". What the crap... Why should I have to give people warnings just so they don't get roasted on one of the hot topics like axles or Chinese parts (btw ATX is made in China)

The forum that I joined that was fun and friendly has just turned into a place where people are scared to post what they actually think in fear of getting ridiculed. I don't know what the actual numbers are, but it seems like since this turn, activity on the site has been decreasing.

So- can we turn it around?
I'm not asking for us all to get around a fire and sing kumbaya, just wanted to give my 2 cents that I'm sure none of you will care about, and let you know where I stand on this.

I hope this is received in the right way.
I think it's bad taste to go into a persons build thread and give them a hard time over their build. Parts chosen or anything else. Since I'm not paying for it.
But if someone starts a thread asking,"Currie vs. Dynatrac" or "metalcloak vs. Evo" I might give my opinion. I think that's pretty much what everybody does. Tried to help steer people into the right direction.
Getting butt hurt over a meme pretty much means it's time to get thicker skin or take a break from the internet.
Not really sure what needs to be turned around.
I've been teased or ridiculed over stuff. From my Evo fascia or mce fenders, but no big deal. Life goes on.
Not sure what you want turned around? For people to start recommending inferior products?
Anyways, hope you figure out what ever it is you're wanting.
Am I missing something?

Apparently, as i feel the same as david1ton, it almost seems like the mods are just waiting to latch on to any sort of discord and take it way past the original point and go on the attack, kind of reminds me of a bunch of junior high school girls, I would think you would rather not stoop to the level of the haters, but hey it's not my forum, just sounds rather childish some times. I believe there are really great people on this forum and I just don't like the direction it has been going lately.
Alright- I know how this "could" turn out, and most of the time does- but that's not what I'm going for here.
I love this forum- it's the only forum that I am on, and I have met a lot of great people from it. There is good information, and good people. I like Eddie and Cindy, and have no intention of leaving.

I've had several friends lately who have just given up on wal, and I don't like that. Long term, super active members, who have just decided they've had enough- and why don't people say something instead of just leaving? -because anyone who says one thing like this is immediately turned on and roasted.

I'm not trying to be roasted, I'm not emotionally worked up about this like some will likely say, my panties aren't in a bunch, I'm not going to say bad things about anyone, and I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. To be perfectly honest- as of lately, when people ask me about the decals on the jeep, or the wal shirt I'm wearing- I have to give a disclaimer about "they really are a great group of guys- very helpful, just be careful what you say". What the crap... Why should I have to give people warnings just so they don't get roasted on one of the hot topics like axles or Chinese parts (btw ATX is made in China)

The forum that I joined that was fun and friendly has just turned into a place where people are scared to post what they actually think in fear of getting ridiculed. I don't know what the actual numbers are, but it seems like since this turn, activity on the site has been decreasing.

So- can we turn it around?
I'm not asking for us all to get around a fire and sing kumbaya, just wanted to give my 2 cents that I'm sure none of you will care about, and let you know where I stand on this.

I hope this is received in the right way.

Apparently, as i feel the same as david1ton, it almost seems like the mods are just waiting to latch on to any sort of discord and take it way past the original point and go on the attack, kind of reminds me of a bunch of junior high school girls, I would think you would rather not stoop to the level of the haters, but hey it's not my forum, just sounds rather childish some times. I believe there are really great people on this forum and I just don't like the direction it has been going lately.

X's 3!......
Apparently, as i feel the same as david1ton, it almost seems like the mods are just waiting to latch on to any sort of discord and take it way past the original point and go on the attack, kind of reminds me of a bunch of junior high school girls, I would think you would rather not stoop to the level of the haters, but hey it's not my forum, just sounds rather childish some times. I believe there are really great people on this forum and I just don't like the direction it has been going lately.

Seems rather childish to me that grown men get so butthurt over the Internet and aren't man enough to just leave if they don't like something. But I'm probably just being a high school girl.
Ad so it begins, I am not butthurt at all, never have been, apparently you can't take constructive criticism for the good of the forum.
Am I missing something?

I think it's bad taste to go into a persons build thread and give them a hard time over their build. Parts chosen or anything else. Since I'm not paying for it.
But if someone starts a thread asking,"Currie vs. Dynatrac" or "metalcloak vs. Evo" I might give my opinion. I think that's pretty much what everybody does. Tried to help steer people into the right direction.
Getting butt hurt over a meme pretty much means it's time to get thicker skin or take a break from the internet.
Not really sure what needs to be turned around.
I've been teased or ridiculed over stuff. From my Evo fascia or mce fenders, but no big deal. Life goes on.
Not sure what you want turned around? For people to start recommending inferior products?
Anyways, hope you figure out what ever it is you're wanting.

It's not any one specific thing, it's just how harsh everything turns out. And it's not even anything that I am always a part of, it's just the general vibe on wayalife lately.

An example would be someone says "dynatracs vs rock jock"

And it turns into a "rock jock sucks" thread. Why go straight to the negative side? Sure rock jock might not be the best, but it's better than nothing.

Like I said- not one specific thing- just the general way things go down.
Ad so it begins, I am not butthurt at all, never have been, apparently you can't take constructive criticism for the good of the forum.

First it's not my forum so I won't change anything. Second that response was halfway sarcastic but apparently your skin is as thick as a piece of paper.

Again I will ask (have never gotten an answer to this question), how come it's ok for you to say shit but when myself or any other mods respond the comments like 'and so it beings' and 'here we go' come out? Can you not take criticism?
Seems rather childish to me that grown men get so butthurt over the Internet and aren't man enough to just leave if they don't like something. But I'm probably just being a high school girl.

This is what I'm talking about! My friends are just leaving! Thy haven't had threads or rants- they are just leaving..... In waves!

Why just let them go instead of trying to turn the ship?
This is what I'm talking about! My friends are just leaving! Thy haven't had threads or rants- they are just leaving..... In waves!

Why just let them go instead of trying to turn the ship?

Ok.... Why should we change to accommodate your friends? There's what 20k+ members who should have to see a forum change because a few people are butthurt? Sounds good to me Obama.
Good people like ridge3runner, CanvasJK have just disappeared - they're done with the bickering and roasting.
Alright- I know how this "could" turn out, and most of the time does- but that's not what I'm going for here.
I love this forum- it's the only forum that I am on, and I have met a lot of great people from it. There is good information, and good people. I like Eddie and Cindy, and have no intention of leaving.

I've had several friends lately who have just given up on wal, and I don't like that. Long term, super active members, who have just decided they've had enough- and why don't people say something instead of just leaving? -because anyone who says one thing like this is immediately turned on and roasted.

I'm not trying to be roasted, I'm not emotionally worked up about this like some will likely say, my panties aren't in a bunch, I'm not going to say bad things about anyone, and I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. To be perfectly honest- as of lately, when people ask me about the decals on the jeep, or the wal shirt I'm wearing- I have to give a disclaimer about "they really are a great group of guys- very helpful, just be careful what you say". What the crap... Why should I have to give people warnings just so they don't get roasted on one of the hot topics like axles or Chinese parts (btw ATX is made in China)

The forum that I joined that was fun and friendly has just turned into a place where people are scared to post what they actually think in fear of getting ridiculed. I don't know what the actual numbers are, but it seems like since this turn, activity on the site has been decreasing.

So- can we turn it around?
I'm not asking for us all to get around a fire and sing kumbaya, just wanted to give my 2 cents that I'm sure none of you will care about, and let you know where I stand on this.

I hope this is received in the right way.

Apparently, as i feel the same as david1ton, it almost seems like the mods are just waiting to latch on to any sort of discord and take it way past the original point and go on the attack, kind of reminds me of a bunch of junior high school girls, I would think you would rather not stoop to the level of the haters, but hey it's not my forum, just sounds rather childish some times. I believe there are really great people on this forum and I just don't like the direction it has been going lately.

Ok.... Why should we change to accommodate your friends? There's what 20k+ members who should have to see a forum change because a few people are butthurt? Sounds good to me Obama.

How many of those 20+ members are inactive or banned?
Alright- I know how this "could" turn out, and most of the time does- but that's not what I'm going for here.
I love this forum- it's the only forum that I am on, and I have met a lot of great people from it. There is good information, and good people. I like Eddie and Cindy, and have no intention of leaving.

Well, I'm glad to hear it.

I've had several friends lately who have just given up on wal, and I don't like that. Long term, super active members, who have just decided they've had enough- and why don't people say something instead of just leaving?

Not sure who you're referring to but personally, I prefer people who don't like it here to just leave without saying anything.

because anyone who says one thing like this is immediately turned on and roasted.

Not trying to be facetious here but, if you really believe that a post like this is all that is needed to get roasted, why would you want to stay on it?

I'm not trying to be roasted, I'm not emotionally worked up about this like some will likely say, my panties aren't in a bunch, I'm not going to say bad things about anyone, and I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. To be perfectly honest- as of lately, when people ask me about the decals on the jeep, or the wal shirt I'm wearing- I have to give a disclaimer about "they really are a great group of guys- very helpful, just be careful what you say". What the crap... Why should I have to give people warnings just so they don't get roasted on one of the hot topics like axles or Chinese parts (btw ATX is made in China)

Clearly, it's not the same thing but, I have to wonder how you feel about atheists asking you about your faith based stickers or t-shirts you wear. I have to wonder if you give a disclaimer saying "they really are a great group of guys- very helpful", you just have to "be careful what you say" around them.

For me, I would recommend that you just remove your decals and not wear shirts that support this forum. If you want, I'll even send you a refund for buying them in the first place. That way, nobody will ask you about them and you can still enjoy whatever it is you enjoy about this forum. If people ask you about us in the future anyway, I would tell them the TRUTH - that there's "good information and good people" but that there are people you know "who have just given up" on this forum because they don't like it.

The forum that I joined that was fun and friendly has just turned into a place where people are scared to post what they actually think in fear of getting ridiculed. I don't know what the actual numbers are, but it seems like since this turn, activity on the site has been decreasing.

I am sorry that you feel that way but I hope you understand that I never started this forum to be some kind of popularity contest. There are a lot of great forums out on the internet just as there are a lot of great channels on TV. If people don't like the content here, I would hope they could find it within themselves to "change the channel". Certainly, I would have no hard feelings.

So- can we turn it around?
I'm not asking for us all to get around a fire and sing kumbaya, just wanted to give my 2 cents that I'm sure none of you will care about, and let you know where I stand on this.

Turn what around? I'm sure it's just me but I prefer to be around people who are "honest" enough to say what's on their mind rather than be "fake" and just to keep people feeling good about themselves. I also prefer to be around people who are "mature" enough to not get so butthurt over a whole lot of nothing that was said on the internet. But, that's just me.

this is received in the right way.

No problem by me. While I may not agree or even share in your concerns I do appreciate the way you approached and handled this matter.
Apparently, as i feel the same as david1ton, it almost seems like the mods are just waiting to latch on to any sort of discord and take it way past the original point and go on the attack, kind of reminds me of a bunch of junior high school girls, I would think you would rather not stoop to the level of the haters, but hey it's not my forum, just sounds rather childish some times. I believe there are really great people on this forum and I just don't like the direction it has been going lately.

Well, this IS my forum and purposefully run it the way I see fit. Nobody is asking you to like or agree with it and if you ever come to a point where you no longer want to be a part of it, I would hope that you can find a forum that is run more to your liking. Of course, nothing is stopping you from starting your own forum and running it in your own image.

Ad so it begins, I am not butthurt at all, never have been, apparently you can't take constructive criticism for the good of the forum.

"For the good of the forum"? LOL!! You'll forgive me but if people don't like what they see and no longer wish to participate on this forum, I would encourage them to leave and find one that they would prefer to be on. I'm not saying this maliciously but rather, sincerely.
Personally, I enjoy a good debate. So when someone one loses their mind and goes off on a tangent, as long as they continue to debate and not argue or name call, I'll enjoy the debate. I think sometimes things go a little farther than they need to, but that's just my opinion. I've enjoyed and will continue to enjoy being a part of the Wayalife community, but I can understand where David is coming from with some of his statements.

Turn what around? I'm sure it's just me but I prefer to be around people who are "honest" enough to say what's on their mind rather than be "fake" and just to keep people feeling good about themselves. I also prefer to be around people who are "mature" enough to not get so butthurt over a whole lot of nothing that was said on the internet. But, that's just me.

No problem by me. While I may not agree or even share in your concerns I do appreciate the way you approached and handled this matter.

That's why I made this thread- I have no intention Of leaving, but don't want to be fake.

I have no problem with the honesty about all the products you support or don't- brutal honesty is what is needed to make a good forum. The only thing I seem to be finding Is just the brutal honesty comes with a touch of trash talking that sets people off. I'm just saying- why not just leave it at brutal honesty, and leave the trash talking out?
IMO people just need to grow some thicker skin. If you want to leave then fine leave. If you don't like what someone has to say then don't listen to them and get the parts you want. It's your money so spend it how you like.
This is what I'm talking about! My friends are just leaving! Thy haven't had threads or rants- they are just leaving..... In waves!

And this is what I'm talking about! If you're friends are in fact leaving in waves, I applaud them for doing so in a mature manner and without starting juvenile rants. I have sincere respect for how they handled themselves.

Why just let them go instead of trying to turn the ship?

Because this is America and people should have the FREEDOM to frequent whatever website they want no less than they should be able to watch whatever news or entertainment channel they want. If they don't like CNN, they should be able to watch FOX instead. If they don't like Al Franken, they should be able to listen to Rush Limbaugh.
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