What happened guys?

I thoroughly enjoy the information on this forum. Very great place to find quality information. However, just yesterday a fellow keeper in my unit came up to me and said "a Wayalife sticker? Really? You know they are the tools of the jeep community right" I responded with "there are great people and great information on the form, but I have seen where people have responded more harshly than necessary" I didn't like the opinion he had about Wayalife, but he's entitled to it. I would of course like it better if there wasn't that stereotype out there.


This is why I made the thread. The general opinion of wal is not the same as we see it.

The irony in this thread is palpable. Apparently it is perfectly acceptable for one's given group of friends to give an opinion about a sticker and what that means about the owner but completely unacceptable for a moderator to give an opinion about a product...interesting.

I generally try not bash anyone for a particular product they run: their jeep, their money, their choice. That said, I have no problem pointing out what I see as problems with a particular product if I have personal experience with it, especially when someone claims it is the best thing since sliced bread or it is just as good as some of the other alternatives. Are the moderators, myself included, not allowed to have opinions on products simply because we are moderators? That seems pretty stupid to me (wait, can I say stupid or is that another one of those words that is going to hurt someone's feelings?).

Are there times when the kid gloves have to come off? Of course. Nine times out of ten though, it is because someone has completely gone off the deep end.

I'm not saying to not have opinions. We need that brutal honesty from people with experience.
It's the point when it turns hostile and people keep egging it on that gets to me. It's the point where it's no longer helpful, an just starts useless trash talking.


If Eddie wanted things run differently he would. What's the point of arguing hurt feelings and perceptions? I don't get it folks.

I have friends telling me to come to different forums saying they are nicer etc. I don't want to... I like it here- I just can't believe how many people are leaving and what I am hearing about wayalife anywhere but online. Online everything is just peachy- in person, people are on the edge.
Here is my 2cents... First your on a forum for the same reason to enjoy the jeep lifestyle we all know and love. When someone comes on here asking for advice on what parts they should use, or pics about a particular build you have to look at it all as opinion some have been around jeeps longer and have great input when it comes to advice.. Newbies as myself and others are just trying to get all the info we can so we can make our jeep into our own... Some are on a budget some have a lil more $$ to do more with. Who cares about what ones opinion. That's all it is. Is an opinion about a particular build, thread, problem or mod take it with a grain of salt and move on with the info given don't go all butt hurt cause you don't like what's being said. You asked for the info... Check your feelings at the door and move on. 0|||||||0

I have to agree if you ask for an opinion you expect them all to be good. That's just how that is.
I have to agree if you ask for an opinion you expect them all to be good. That's just how that is.

Totally agree- but that's not what this thread was intended to address.

The point that I am talking about, is after the opinions are given and the trash talking starts. It seems like nobody can just leave a simple opinion anymore without something turning into a fight
Eddie already offered to refund your money, told you he's not changing anything on HIS forum, yet you're still here ranting on your online revolution. But thanks for starting this thread. I got a chance to see how some people feel towards the forum, myself, moderators and Eddie.
May I recommend a 4"disc grinder to remove your decals. This was a common way of showing displeasure with the forum in years past.
Eddie already offered to refund your money, told you he's not changing anything on HIS forum, yet you're still here ranting on your online revolution. But thanks for starting this thread. I got a chance to see how some people feel towards the forum, myself, moderators and Eddie.

Not trying to rant, and not trying to add additional points or tangents. just responding. If anything, I'm just trying to influence fellow forum members to try to be a little nicer in the future.

Maybe now instead of saying "your smittybuilt winch is a piece of shit!"

We could say "excuse me sir, your smittybuilt winch is a piece of shit, have a nice day!"

Haha 😁
Not trying to rant, and not trying to add additional points or tangents. just responding. If anything, I'm just trying to influence fellow forum members to try to be a little nicer in the future.

Maybe now instead of saying "your smittybuilt winch is a piece of shit!"

We could say "excuse me sir, your smittybuilt winch is a piece of shit, have a nice day!"

Haha 😁

I'll give a response to anybody, I can guarantee Eddie and every mod would go out of their way to help someone either online or out on a trail.
If a windshield banner, t shirt or being online causes that much stress in a persons life, it's time to take a break from the computer, try another shirt and take any sticker that may be causing any further frustration. That's just my opinion to the masses.
First it's not my forum so I won't change anything. Second that response was halfway sarcastic but apparently your skin is as thick as a piece of paper.

Again I will ask (have never gotten an answer to this question), how come it's ok for you to say shit but when myself or any other mods respond the comments like 'and so it beings' and 'here we go' come out? Can you not take criticism?

You being a mod are supposed to be teacher or referee if you will to guide the forum in the right direction. When you jump down someone's thought so fast and hard like you do a lot then all the others follow your lead because you are a mod it does no one any good. Basically when you say and so it begins you just set a fire and all the guys out there that look up to you line up with gas to throw on the fire and it makes them feel like they are doing something good rather than calmly explaining the rules (this does happen just not all the time) You need to have a special set of skills to deal with the public that you don't seem to have.
I know how hard it is to see the same mistakes made day in and day out I deal with this daily at work. You need to find a different way to get your point across to the poster. This forum has a PM feature you can go that route and depending on the thread you should maybe have a lock feature that stops posts after the infraction has been explained.
I have to agree if you ask for an opinion you expect them all to be good. That's just how that is.

If I ask for an opinion I ask for it knowing it can be good or it can be bad... If your asking for an opinion with the assumption that is gonna be all good than its no wonder people are getting so butt hurt. Learn to take the good with the bad criticism and move on.
You being a mod are supposed to be teacher or referee if you will to guide the forum in the right direction. When you jump down someone's thought so fast and hard like you do a lot then all the others follow your lead because you are a mod it does no one any good. Basically when you say and so it begins you just set a fire and all the guys out there that look up to you line up with gas to throw on the fire and it makes them feel like they are doing something good rather than calmly explaining the rules (this does happen just not all the time)

Negative ghost rider. Moderators are here to enforce the rules set forth by the administrators.

You need to have a special set of skills to deal with the public that you don't seem to have.

Moderators are not PR reps. If you cannot take the criticism then maybe the internet isn't the place for you.

I know how hard it is to see the same mistakes made day in and day out I deal with this daily at work. You need to find a different way to get your point across to the poster. This forum has a PM feature you can go that route and depending on the thread you should maybe have a lock feature that stops posts after the infraction has been explained.

Members who have made mistakes and have been called out either go one of two ways. They apologize or they go off on some self-important rant about how the rules are unfair. Again, if you are easily offended and cannot handle negative criticism I suggest not being on the internet.
Moderators are not PR reps. If you cannot take the criticism then maybe the internet isn't the place for you.
Seems to be the same BS response day after day.
This thread had me thinking. My closest friends talks to me way worse. I guess I can consider most of you guys friends now
Moderators are not PR reps. If you cannot take the criticism then maybe the internet isn't the place for you.
Seems to be the same BS response day after day.

Just because you don't like the answer, doesn't mean it's bullshit.

It's the facts.
Overlander doesn't need to be nice. His skill set is just fine, he finds the trolls in record time:beer:
I started to tune this out and have been touch-and-go busy so I haven't read everything but I wanted to comment.

Do I agree with every comment or view that is typed on WAL? Absolutely not! This said, I don't feel personally tied to them just because I am a member/user. I do see/hear some comments about my shirt and stickers but frankly I don't give damn. Honestly, if someone is so quick to judge me personally because of anything I wear (or drive) they can go to hell. They aren't my kind of people anyway.

I hear all sorts of "Eddie and the mods are the devil". My personal experiences have been nothing but positive (even on topics we disagreed on). I am acquaintances with some who have left in both a quiet and not so quiet manner. The situation between them and Eddie and/or the mods are just that, their situation it has in no way impacted my time here or with them.

I agree that things go a bit too far sometimes for me... my fix is to quit participating in the thread. It's really not that hard....
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