My way to fast build of Oscar

If you get the right one, they fold up pretty nicely.

Yea im just not looking to spend any more money and that sounds expensive lol.

I think you can rent one from certain ACE hardwares.

Ok good to know Ill look into that.

Or use a winch!! Justified purchase.

I thought about that but I would have to use it like a pulley system and I just dont know of anything strong enough in my garage that I could put that much weight one.
This is a way too fast build of Oscar :thumb: hahaha. I cant even keep up with this thread. but also a bad ass build, your rig looks great! Im excited to see the progress of the axles going in. when are they scheduled to arrive? post up pics when you do it so we all can see how it goes for you!:yup:
This is a way too fast build of Oscar :thumb: hahaha. I cant even keep up with this thread. but also a bad ass build, your rig looks great! Im excited to see the progress of the axles going in. when are they scheduled to arrive? post up pics when you do it so we all can see how it goes for you!:yup:

Thanks man! It feels way to fast haha! I will be sure to post lots of pictures. I will hopefully be getting the axles in a month or so!
Purchased my driveshafts for the build today. Went JE Reel with the Canyon Crawler upgrade. ETA on axles from dynatrac has them shipping out between August 1-14.

You bought the driveshafts before even having the axles? How did you take measurements?

I was going to ask same thing lol

I guess you didn't take spudcannons' advice on waiting to order your shafts. Hope it works out for you.

Should have clarified. I put down the cash for both the driveshafts but only gave the measurement for the front. The front 30 and pr44 have no difference in length between the pinion and T-Case giving me the ability to take the measurements now. I did take spudcannons advice and did not order the rear driveshaft yet.
Should have clarified. I put down the cash for both the driveshafts but only gave the measurement for the front. The front 30 and pr44 have no difference in length between the pinion and T-Case giving me the ability to take the measurements now. I did take spudcannons advice and did not order the rear driveshaft yet.

Gotcha. Makes sense.
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