The never-ending 'wave' discussion thread


New member
I wave at everyone in a Jeep. I might get 1 wave back a day. No one waves here. Of course, there are a ton of rental Jeeps her on the Island.

Yes that is very true, I just PCS'd off island a few months ago. Didn't get a lot of waves that's for sure. Here in San Diego it's hit or miss, and my son always asks "do you know them?". I have explained it to him about 1000 times, he doesn't get it. (8)

The Kraken

New member
Waved numerous times this weekend and got a couple waves. Had one guy just stare at me that was also in a JK like I was crazy and he didn't wave back.


New member
More and more people are don't wave back no matter where you are at. I have noticed if they look like the only crawling they ever do is at the mall and the dover looks like a dude who wants to look kind of like a chic then I don't bother waving.

The Kraken

New member
I am not sure if I missed something on the waving etiquette but there was a Jeep the other day that had the Jeep Wave decal and I waved and they looked at me and didn't wave back...does the decal count now or did I miss something lol?


New member
I am not sure if I missed something on the waving etiquette but there was a Jeep the other day that had the Jeep Wave decal and I waved and they looked at me and didn't wave back...does the decal count now or did I miss something lol?

Well then lol people really need to understand that when you drive a wrangler you wave!


New member
I've noticed that the closure you get to big cities, the less people wave. I live out in the sticks so nearly every jeep waves back. The ones that never wave or even notice me waving to them are the older woman type (mom mobile)


New member
I have almost quit waving when I'm around Socal, cause 9 out of 10 jeeps you see don't even look at another jeep. Soccer mom's or its one with 35s and 22s!


New member
I honestly think you all are thinking about/looking into this wayyyyy to much lol

You are probably right, but it's something to think about when i'm at the office and can't be in or working on my Jeep! My kids and I have turned it into a game...we call it "Will they wave?" We spot a Jeep (which is also a game we've been playing since the early 90's called affectionately, the "Jeep Game") and we now guess if they will wave or not. 9 times out of 10, if we think they'll wave, they do. Because Jeeping is more than just a way to get from point A to point's a WAYALIFE!


Guy with a Red 2-Door
You are probably right, but it's something to think about when i'm at the office and can't be in or working on my Jeep! My kids and I have turned it into a game...we call it "Will they wave?" We spot a Jeep (which is also a game we've been playing since the early 90's called affectionately, the "Jeep Game") and we now guess if they will wave or not. 9 times out of 10, if we think they'll wave, they do. Because Jeeping is more than just a way to get from point A to point's a WAYALIFE!

Lol well that sounds like a fun game to play. Honestly keep doing it cause I'm sure people will catch on and start waving back.

Honestly tho myself as well as others have seen so many of these damn threads and posts on the Internet about people not waving that it's annoying. All I can say is I wave at everyone and if they don't wave back then oh well. They prob had there head in there phone playing Pokemon, not paying attention, or just don't know to wave back. In the end it's not sweat off my back.


New member
Seem to be in extraordinary number of wannabes here in Vegas. I still wave to everyone none the less. Hell my neighbor has a future son in law that had a 2wd Wrangler. WTF??????

Yeah it's usually soccer moms who drive jku rubicons.... Or the rich people who want to look cool... Lol and that's just sad....


New member
I feel your pain and I live here in St George. I don't have as much trouble as you but it is a problem. Most non-wavers I see are female (as far as I can tell).
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