Am I Just Getting Old?

50 yr old, married 5 yrs, 1 daughter and 2 collies. Wife and daughter both make more than me but my job is sooo much cooler than theirs.
35 years old, married just over 3 years with a 2 year old son (he'll be 3 in June), a 4 month old daughter and 1 dog.
55, three grown boys, youngest is 26 and happily married for 35 years :)

Been driving and building Jeeps for the 35+ years :) :)
33, married with a two boys (4 & 3). Only recently got hooked on a Jeeps but something tells me there will be a Jeep in the garage for many years to come!
49 I'll be 50 in May....dual income no kids....4 hasn't been easy but I've been saving what I can for 3 years straight to finance my dream is on and hopefully finished before my birthday :fingerscrossed:

27, will be 28 in a couple weeks... Im single an pretty much every paycheck goes to something on my jeep. It keeps me happy lol
28 married with a 14month old and 2 dogs and a stay at home wife. Budget for one major purchase a year (gotta love work bonus).
No kids, but one super needy German Shepherd.

I will second that for sure and add 29, married a few years. We will not be having kids but Zero is sure expensive like a kid so it's the same thing as a kid.
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23 in 9 days, married no kids, dual income but military doesn't pay the greatest and the wife hates the Jeep so I do what I can when I can...
31 just getting moving in a new career field with student loans finally got out of my parents basement, working on aquiring a jeep legally or illegally haven't decided yet no kids and I like long walks on the beach and cheeseburgers with good beer and this is a weird dating site!
45 married with no kids.

I would like to thank all the jeepers 45 and over. After the first few posts were all under 30 I was starting to feel ancient.
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