Houston Area Suds 'n Grub 6/12/16

Both. Chambers to be delivered Weds. Brake lines, not sure. Should be here mid week hopefully. I still need to fuss with the caster that we talked about yesterday. I bought a big c wrench today...hopefully that does the trick. I AM nervous about how tight they were to turn though.

I want to say the first time I adjusted mine they were pretty damn tight. Last time I adjusted them though it was easier.
Both. Chambers to be delivered Weds. Brake lines, not sure. Should be here mid week hopefully. I still need to fuss with the caster that we talked about yesterday. I bought a big c wrench today...hopefully that does the trick. I AM nervous about how tight they were to turn though.

Might be a little easier to move with them installed.
I wish that I could make this this weekend. I feel like I made myself apart of the Houston crew even being 3 hours away. ;) haha
Take everything appart and coat with antisiez

Before we installed everything on Saturday I put PB Blaster on all movable parts on Thursday. You can see how much it helped. :yup:

But once it is done this week I am going to do an oil change and use the old oil to coat the frame and suspension. :rock:
I wish that I could make this this weekend. I feel like I made myself apart of the Houston crew even being 3 hours away. ;) haha

I don't know about other states or anyone else here but if you live in Texas it is all the same to me. The SNGs that happen in other Texas cities I put serious thought into going. Each time something has come up unfortunately. I am gonna try to make the Austin one next.
Before we installed everything on Saturday I put PB Blaster on all movable parts on Thursday. You can see how much it helped. :yup:

But once it is done this week I am going to do an oil change and use the old oil to coat the frame and suspension. :rock:

Try using Kroil. I've always had better luck using it than anything else.
But once it is done this week I am going to do an oil change and use the old oil to coat the frame and suspension. :rock:


I don't know about other states or anyone else here but if you live in Texas it is all the same to me. The SNGs that happen in other Texas cities I put serious thought into going. Each time something has come up unfortunately. I am gonna try to make the Austin one next.

I'm seriously considering trying to make the trek up there for that, I will have to see when we get a little closer if I can weasel out of "family weekend" down at the beach :icon_crazy:
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