Pretty sure I have the infamous tick in my motor. :banghead:
No codes yet so I guess I have to wait.
Well that sucks! You still under warranty?
Not sure if applicable, but I got a notice some time ago about a warranty extension for similar possible issues. Again, not sure if relevant to this specific issue or for others who come across this post. Here's a pic of main letter details about the warranty.
View attachment 119396
I never received that notice but I remember seeing it. Pretty sure they won't do anything unless there is a CEL. I'll have to wait a bit I guess and maybe make an appointment in a few weeks.
Need some help I am getting the check engine light on my 2011 rubicon unlimited and when I check the codes it just shows dashes and then done like there is no code but the light stays illuminated any thoughts? thanks
Should be covered. They extended all the warranties on the engines do to that problem.
Resurrecting an old thread here. It seems like everyone that has had this problem was under 20k miles. Mine popped up a couple of months ago and, if I remember correctly, it pulled cylinder 4 misfire and multiple cylinder misfires. I have 42k miles and am wondering if this will be covered under the power train warranty? It seems like it is the same problem as everyone else's as I have an early 2012 (bought in Oct 2011). I am taking it in next friday so my fingers are crossed that it will be covered.