Some calc about how 90% who died from it were old and had underlying conditions anyway and would have died on their own . Not true
What I don’t understand is why we continue to have a debate about wearing masks and equating it to personal freedom . Is this really what is so important to all here ? Are we really the only country in the world that makes this political and debates the efficacy of masks ?
Is wearing one really that bad while you’re in public while this pandemic continues ? Breathing CO2 is toxic and will hurt you ? It’s my right to not wear one ? Sure stay home then and stop spreading the virus to others . Conflating personal freedom with slight inconvenience (seatbelts) .
I get wanting to reopen businesses and govt mandates to close are crushing our economy but not wearing masks just exacerbates the virus and makes all of that worse . This isn’t some hoax to make orange man look bad .. numbers are bad across both red and blue states .
Bolsonaro caught the virus . So did Herman Cain . Trump is wearing a mask. What are we talking about here ??
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