Giving you guys a chance & here's my wave - "fuck you"

Well, if he doesn't like it here, he can log off and never come back. But I don't see that happening.
Did anyone catch that this douche is from Wasilla, home for Sarah Palin.

Hope this douche is not a representation of the quality of Alskan's.


First off fuck you, and its Alaskan you cock gobbling douche bag.

I shipped to USMCSD 080795 from MEPS in Anchorage.

I fucked up both ankles in first phase and ran for another month before calling uncle. Spent another 2 months in medical before saying fuck it and getting sent home after being told I would never going back to boot. 1 more month and I would have had a retired USMC card, my dumb ass at the time went home.

So for almost 20 years now I have had fucked up ankles and hips. My mountain and rock climbing days done. My monoskiing limited. I cant run if I want to walk the next day.

Think he can see Russia from his house?

Im no fan of the Palin's, but yall are real douches for thinking Palin said she can see Russia from her house.

As an actual "member" of the United States Marine Corps (1988-1992. MOS 6112. Final rank achieved: Corporal, Desert Sheild/Storm Veteran), I take great offense to your actions and claim that you are also a Marine. Any true Marine who has 1 ounce of intestinal fortitude and 1 ounce of self respect would never conduct themselves in the manner in which you do.

Please stop claiming the title. Clearly you were never there nor did you earn your EGA.

With Respect but fuck you, I have my EGA and my shooting badge from USMCSD. Take what ever offense you want, I have personally met Marines who ranked higher then you who feel I met what ever requirements needed to get at least partial benefits.

I'll just leave this here.... View attachment 105727

You can fuck your self there as well.
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You're back?!?.......What the fuck for......babble your nonsense on some other forum where someone gives a shit what you have to say......nobody cares to listen to you here got do yourself a huge favor and sign off and never come back.........FOHA!!

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You're back?!?.......What the fuck for......babble your nonsense on some other forum where someone gives a shit what you have to say......nobody cares to listen to you here got do yourself a huge favor and sign off and never come back.........FOHA!!


You are a whinny gash.

Is that the same thing as MCRD? :yup:

Fuck you, and yes my dyslexic mind went for MCRDSD..
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Oh joy. Wannabe Gunny Highway is back. Hope you had a Merry Xmas. Did you get some new running shoes?
:cheesy: I'm sorry but you really have to be one hell of a loser to come back after 3 month and just to spew out a whole lot of nothing. Just a suggestion here but, you really should do yourself a favor, stop embarrassing yourself and get a life. Just sayin. :crazyeyes:
Well it's painfully obvious that for 20 years the fact that he never finished boot camp is knawing away at him. So much so that he refers to himself as a "memeber" of the Marines.

We get it, we are all fucktards, assholes and whiny bitches next to a real man like you. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1420613198.660074.jpg
Well it's painfully obvious that for 20 years the fact that he never finished boot camp is knawing away at him. So much so that he refers to himself as a "memeber" of the Marines.

We get it, we are all fucktards, assholes and whiny bitches next to a real man like you. View attachment 118091

No just you. If a USMC Major can shake my hand as a fellow Marine, you can go fuck yourself.
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