I'll look for your rat tail Eddie. I would love to meet you

yea some people just cant figure that out, sure it has to do with some form of entitlement. I like how some "grown men" get off by starting shit with people behind their keyboard too, its what make the internet so fun!

Yup, it's all fun until someone dose a minimal amount of research and post up who they really are with names, pictures and such. That usually ends it pretty quick!
Yup, it's all fun until someone dose a minimal amount of research and post up who they really are with names, pictures and such. That usually ends it pretty quick!

Watch out! The grammar and spelling police will bust a move on you! Maybe you were drunk when you wrote your asinine reply.

Benatac, WTF, "entitled"? Y'all are driving around in $50K + of off-road machines and are calling me entitled? YOU ARE an idiot and also a Snowflake. 😁. Oh I forgot to include JAGs, the latest full DB member of the WAYALIFE posse. Welcome... JAGs, which has nothing to with the military "JAG" btw.

Eddie, why not make this site private if you are so... so possessive and bullish about this PUBLIC forum? Lots of jeep sites that are invite only. Probably wouldn't be fun for your WAYALIFE minions though.

No I am not a WAYALIFE customer and wouldn't purchase anything from WAYALIFE. Those decals are likely to get your jeep vandalized. I do occasionally use this PUBLIC forum for fun though.

Eddie my man, I am not your "Bro" by the way. I do appreciate your request but respectfully decline. You have stated many times on here that this is just the internet and you have no idea who you are dealing with. I can assure you though, my heritage you know very little about. No reason to discuss, but let's just say I don't have a confederate flag in the back of my diesel truck.

Enjoy the pizza, and I do look forward to the new "IT" movie. Love the clown but decline y'all with the hug request.
Watch out! The grammar and spelling police will bust a move on you! Maybe you were drunk when you wrote your asinine reply.

Benatac, WTF, "entitled"? Y'all are driving around in $50K + of off-road machines and are calling me entitled? YOU ARE an idiot and also a Snowflake. [emoji16]. Oh I forgot to include JAGs, the latest full DB member of the WAYALIFE posse. Welcome... JAGs, which has nothing to with the military "JAG" btw.

Eddie, why not make this site private if you are so... so possessive and bullish about this PUBLIC forum? Lots of jeep sites that are invite only. Probably wouldn't be fun for your WAYALIFE minions though.

No I am not a WAYALIFE customer and wouldn't purchase anything from WAYALIFE. Those decals are likely to get your jeep vandalized. I do occasionally use this PUBLIC forum for fun though.

Eddie my man, I am not your "Bro" by the way. I do appreciate your request but respectfully decline. You have stated many times on here that this is just the internet and you have no idea who you are dealing with. I can assure you though, my heritage you know very little about. No reason to discuss, but let's just say I don't have a confederate flag in the back of my diesel truck.

Enjoy the pizza, and I do look forward to the new "IT" movie. Love the clown but decline y'all with the hug request.

Have you considered talking to your Doctor about Xanax? A minor tranquilizer to get you through this goodbye. [emoji1309]

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
I guess you don't sleep much 🥜 sac. Yes, needed a laugh "SO YEA I'M THINKIN' IM BACK! Quote from John Wick, it works and I like it. Nite nut 🥜 sac.
As much as you think this PRIVATE site sucks, you can't seem get enough of it. And when did the price of the vehicle someone drives make them entitled? You're an angry little fucker, aren't you?

Since you're likely off the clock right now and away from the hospital, I'll go ahead and fill your prescription.

Watch out! The grammar and spelling police will bust a move on you! Maybe you were drunk when you wrote your asinine reply.

Benatac, WTF, "entitled"? Y'all are driving around in $50K + of off-road machines and are calling me entitled? YOU ARE an idiot and also a Snowflake. 😁. Oh I forgot to include JAGs, the latest full DB member of the WAYALIFE posse. Welcome... JAGs, which has nothing to with the military "JAG" btw.

Eddie, why not make this site private if you are so... so possessive and bullish about this PUBLIC forum? Lots of jeep sites that are invite only. Probably wouldn't be fun for your WAYALIFE minions though.

No I am not a WAYALIFE customer and wouldn't purchase anything from WAYALIFE. Those decals are likely to get your jeep vandalized. I do occasionally use this PUBLIC forum for fun though.

Eddie my man, I am not your "Bro" by the way. I do appreciate your request but respectfully decline. You have stated many times on here that this is just the internet and you have no idea who you are dealing with. I can assure you though, my heritage you know very little about. No reason to discuss, but let's just say I don't have a confederate flag in the back of my diesel truck.

Enjoy the pizza, and I do look forward to the new "IT" movie. Love the clown but decline y'all with the hug request.
If you actually got to know people you'd know those represent the first initials of his family. Fuck you! Get the fuck on and go troll elsewhere. 760-486-6669 call me and I'll tell you the same thing.

Sent from my 831C using WAYALIFE mobile app
Watch out! The grammar and spelling police will bust a move on you! Maybe you were drunk when you wrote your asinine reply.

Benatac, WTF, "entitled"? Y'all are driving around in $50K + of off-road machines and are calling me entitled? YOU ARE an idiot and also a Snowflake. [emoji16]. Oh I forgot to include JAGs, the latest full DB member of the WAYALIFE posse. Welcome... JAGs, which has nothing to with the military "JAG" btw.

Eddie, why not make this site private if you are so... so possessive and bullish about this PUBLIC forum? Lots of jeep sites that are invite only. Probably wouldn't be fun for your WAYALIFE minions though.

No I am not a WAYALIFE customer and wouldn't purchase anything from WAYALIFE. Those decals are likely to get your jeep vandalized. I do occasionally use this PUBLIC forum for fun though.

Eddie my man, I am not your "Bro" by the way. I do appreciate your request but respectfully decline. You have stated many times on here that this is just the internet and you have no idea who you are dealing with. I can assure you though, my heritage you know very little about. No reason to discuss, but let's just say I don't have a confederate flag in the back of my diesel truck.

Enjoy the pizza, and I do look forward to the new "IT" movie. Love the clown but decline y'all with the hug request.

You are one sorry excuse for oxygen consumption, but appreciate that you have such a deep fondness for me that you think about me so much while I'm not even here. [emoji6][emoji4]

The latest??? Where the fuck have you been the last five years. Oh that's right, there were all those D&D tourneys you couldn't afford to miss. If by posse you mean "a group of people who have a common characteristic, occupation, or purpose," then yes I am part of that.

Don't think I've ever claimed to have anything to do with the military, nor the football team. So your point is just idiotic.

Since you have no business acumen, maybe you should look up what it is to be public and privately owned.

That's all. You can go back to missing me again.
Eddie, why not make this site private if you are so... so possessive and bullish about this PUBLIC forum? Lots of jeep sites that are invite only. Probably wouldn't be fun for your WAYALIFE minions though.

Being that you're so butthurt over the fact that I'm "so... so possessive and bullish" about the forum I pay for to exist, it kind of astounds me that you'd keep coming on here to bitch about me and it. Yes, there are lots of Jeep sites that are invite only or worse, charge you to be on them. I'd recommend that you spend more of your time on one of them but clearly, you find meaning and purpose in life by trolling a forum you hate.

No I am not a WAYALIFE customer and wouldn't purchase anything from WAYALIFE. Those decals are likely to get your jeep vandalized.

By angry little girls like you no less.

I do occasionally use this PUBLIC forum for fun though.

LOL!! You say "PUBLIC" like it's supposed to mean something or that you're somehow entitled to be here. Here's a thought, your welcome here is just about over and when it is, you can exercise your PUBLIC rights to prevent me from showing you the door. :yup:

Eddie my man, I am not your "Bro" by the way. I do appreciate your request but respectfully decline. You have stated many times on here that this is just the internet and you have no idea who you are dealing with. I can assure you though, my heritage you know very little about. No reason to discuss, but let's just say I don't have a confederate flag in the back of my diesel truck.

Yes, this is the internet and I can only go off of what I see and read from you. So that there's no misunderstanding, YOU came to my website - NOT the other way around. YOU got all butthurt when people started making fun of your precious south and enough so that you decided to go full-retard. You're the one who asked "for my consideration for your return" and I graciously gave it to you - albeit, that was clearly a mistake. What I can assure you of is that you need help. With any luck, your wife, your two girls or someone in your life will take notice and get you that help.
Yea I am sure my thread is about done. Eddie is probably getting a little worried. It's actually been fun, never trolled a forum but this one seemed deserving of trolls. I think that WAYALIFE actually likes it. Yea JAGs that's great it's your family initials, and you are posse but not in the good sense. Troll, lives under the bridge and comes out to defend anyone that crosses... so I believe the WAYALIFE posse are really the trolls. The posse troll this forum for any sense of disappointment in premium vendors. Y'all delight in that. Then decide to rip people a new one. I know y'all troll other forums as you have stated doing it. So...?

"But hurt"... Eddie another expression you seem to love. My guess is that you've experienced it multiple times. "Just sayin' " Me, no I'm not hurt at all but even in this public forum I have enjoyed standing up against the narcissistic liberal BS that goes on in here. Lots of Smowflakes in here.

Wacko, read up higher in thread where Eddie called me a white privileged, and Benatac said I was entitled. I worked for what I have as I am sure most of you have as well. That's just the trash talk that goes on here. No I don't like it but for the time being I've enjoyed defending my position.

To all the FU's I've received, wow so original on this site. That's all you have? I know that's the start to your minion status. Please give a nice juicy kiss to the ring when you become posse members. Eddie, I'm sure loves it.

Enjoyed the infirmary, hopefully you'll keep this up here so new wavers can read, and leave. 😀

I'll see you on the trail, and I'll look for your rat tail Eddie. I would love to meet you.
Yea I am sure my thread is about done. Eddie is probably getting a little worried. It's actually been fun, never trolled a forum but this one seemed deserving of trolls. I think that WAYALIFE actually likes it. Yea JAGs that's great it's your family initials, and you are posse but not in the good sense. Troll, lives under the bridge and comes out to defend anyone that crosses... so I believe the WAYALIFE posse are really the trolls. The posse troll this forum for any sense of disappointment in premium vendors. Y'all delight in that. Then decide to rip people a new one. I know y'all troll other forums as you have stated doing it. So...?

"But hurt"... Eddie another expression you seem to love. My guess is that you've experienced it multiple times. "Just sayin' " Me, no I'm not hurt at all but even in this public forum I have enjoyed standing up against the narcissistic liberal BS that goes on in here. Lots of Smowflakes in here.

Wacko, read up higher in thread where Eddie called me a white privileged, and Benatac said I was entitled. I worked for what I have as I am sure most of you have as well. That's just the trash talk that goes on here. No I don't like it but for the time being I've enjoyed defending my position.

To all the FU's I've received, wow so original on this site. That's all you have? I know that's the start to your minion status. Please give a nice juicy kiss to the ring when you become posse members. Eddie, I'm sure loves it.

Enjoyed the infirmary, hopefully you'll keep this up here so new wavers can read, and leave. [emoji3]

I'll see you on the trail, and I'll look for your rat tail Eddie. I would love to meet you.

I've never trolled another forum, but then maybe I'm not a unhinged as you.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Yea I am sure my thread is about done. Eddie is probably getting a little worried. It's actually been fun, never trolled a forum but this one seemed deserving of trolls. I think that WAYALIFE actually likes it.

Back in March, I had asked if there's anything I can say or do to make you stop and just go away? I asked politely and nicely as I had assumed you must have family and friends you could be spending your time with instead of stirring the pot on a forum you don't even like. To this, YOU asked "for my consideration for your return" and I unfortunately made the mistake of letting you stay. While I truly feel sorry for the pathetic life you clearly have, I will now fix the mistake I made and I will now be sending you on your way.

Troll, lives under the bridge and comes out to defend anyone that crosses... so I believe the WAYALIFE posse are really the trolls.

Clearly, you have trolling down to a science. You come on a privately owned forum that you don't like, behave like a douche, get called out for it and everyone here is a troll. You're a genius! :thumb:

"But hurt"... Eddie another expression you seem to love. My guess is that you've experienced it multiple times. "Just sayin' " Me, no I'm not hurt at all but even in this public forum I have enjoyed standing up against the narcissistic liberal BS that goes on in here. Lots of Smowflakes in here.

:cheesy: Again, you're the one who got so offended by people making fun of your "heritage" and enough so that you decided to go full-retard and yet, everyone here is the snowflake. You're the one who got so offended by me making a comment to another member regarding a whole lot of nothing and enough so that you decided to go full-retard again and yet, everyone here is the snowflake. Well, it's clear to me that you're the expert in the matter and who am I to argue with that.

BTW, this is a PRIVATELY OWNED forum that I make available for the public to use FREE OF CHARGE. That is NOT the same thing as a "public forum" as in, something tax payers pay for and the government provides. The later would entitle you to remain here and behave like a douche. The prior allows me to show you the door. :yup:

I'll see you on the trail, and I'll look for your rat tail Eddie. I would love to meet you.

Well, I do travel a lot and as you've pointed out, I am easy to spot. Until then, farewell. :standing wave:
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