JK-Experience 2012

:celebrate: That is awesome to be included in this. Congratulations Mike, a trip of a life time.:yup: You have some modding to do.:D
:celebrate: That is awesome to be included in this. Congratulations Mike, a trip of a life time.:yup: You have some modding to do.:D

Thanks Bondsy! Yeah, got a few things to get done. The good thing is that it is stuff that I wanted to do since Moab, but now I have a "legitimate" excuse. :)
Congrats Michael! Looking forward to wheeling with you on this once in a lifetime opportunity! :thumb:

Thanks Frank! Likewise, I am very much looking forward to this trip already and it hasn't even fully sank in yet.
MTG said:
So pumped! I'm still blown away, I don't even know what to say. It's a bit surreal.

Better start on that spare parts list above.

Oh and hello 37s!! :yup:

Steph and I are very excited for you Mike! I imagine you're going to have the time of your life.

JeepFan said:
Steph and I are very excited for you Mike! I imagine you're going to have the time of your life.


Thanks Tony! I have to agree. I'm bummed Wendy will not be able to make it, but we were just discussing logistics for Moab next year. One day she'll get to meet all the great people she has been letting me hang out with. :)
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Sniff, sniff...they grow up so fast. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was teaching MTG how to put it in 4wd. :cheesy: By the time you get back from JKX, you'll be the one showing me the best lines.
Sharkey said:
Sniff, sniff...they grow up so fast. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was teaching MTG how to put it in 4wd. :cheesy: By the time you get back from JKX, you'll be the one showing me the best lines.

That's because it probably WAS just yesterday. One day I'll figure this thing out. ;)

Bummed you can't come along to be my wingman.


Nicholas said:
Congrats Mike! Watching the videos from last year looks like you are going to have a blast!

Thanks Nick! I must have watched those videos at least a dozen times by now.

BTW--Hope that drive home wasn't too bad for you last weekend.
MTG said:
So pumped! I'm still blown away, I don't even know what to say. It's a bit surreal.

Better start on that spare parts list above.

Oh and hello 37s!! :yup:

Congrats brother your going to have the time of your life. Keep it tight! ;-)
So pumped! I'm still blown away, I don't even know what to say. It's a bit surreal.

Better start on that spare parts list above.

Oh and hello 37s!! :yup:

Mike, that is too cool my friend! Congrats on making the cut :thumb:
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