Stolen Jeep

Glad they caught these a**holes. Nice detective work. I hope they find the rest of your jeep and trailer. I had a jeep stolen from me once and it never turned back up. It's not a good feeling.
Thats awesome! Atleast these fucktards are in jail... maybe they can point the popo in the direction of whats left of it... good luck man...

And the finding if the listing and the quick action from our family on WAL - just one more reason I am proud ro be a member of this community!
I know I said it once but I'm sure happy for you Steve! This is amazing news! So proud of my Wayalife fam for finding this and the work of the PD for getting right on it for you!!!!!
Wow. Great job Alstew for recognizing these parts and letting people here know, and congrats Aspenkid for getting some closure. It could be a lot better, but unfortunately, things don't usually turn out this well with some of the perps getting caught. Now that they have two of these guys, I hope that there is an evidence trail they can follow to arrest anyone else involved in stealing and selling your Jeep.

Now that it's the appropriate time to see the pics, it's interesting to see how suspicious the add looked. The stickers on the hood and antenna mounts on the tailgate made this readily identifiable, but even if they had been removed there are a few other things that should have made it questionable. Several of the parts they tried to sell aren't normally take offs when you upgrade, which just seems odd. Also, who takes the hinges off the doors anyway? The guys who stripped it down and tried to fence these parts must not have been Jeep people or very bright...

Getting the VIN etched into the doors, etc sounds like a very good idea BTW. I may have to look into that.
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OMG!!! I am SO happy for your outcome Aspenkid!!! Theft is such a deep, personal violation. And a labor of love project lost makes that violation even more profound. I am rooting for your new build -- onwards and better!

Alstew -- hats off to you!!!!!!!! Talk about saving the day in the nick if time! Very professional handling by Eddie and all those behind the scenes.

Great community! (And a little drama to go along with it :) )
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